Dare 6:

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@SivellusLover dares the young 6 to play uno and the loser has to run around in the school without getting noticed

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@SivellusLover dares the young 6 to play uno and the loser has to run around in the school without getting noticed.

(Notice: I don't know if it's actually true but I don't think the MLP world has the technology for security cameras, because of that I can't add the "break all the security cameras" part, I'm sorry. Though, I hope you still enjoy it! ^^)

Ocellus reads the dare out loud to the group and then they all look at each other.
"Well, we already live at the school so technically we're not breaking and entering!"
Silverstream starts with a nervous smile, hoping she's right.

"Which means our only challenge is to not get caught running around."
Sandbar adds with a smile and looks at Silverstream making her smiles more brightly.

Gallus then finishes off.
"And winning the game of uno."

They all give each other positive and reassuring smiles before Silverstream flys up.
"I've got an uno deck in my room! I'll be riiiight back!"
She says happily then quickly flys to her room.

Seconds later she zooms back to her friend with an uno deck.

Silverstream then hands out the cards and they all start playing. Silverstream was having fun, Smolder was being a bit aggressive with the cards and being as competitive as usual, Ocellus looked focused, Sandbar was being calm and played casually, Yona was being way to excited as usual and Gallus was mostly just bored but he focused as well, not wanting to be the one to run around the school.

After the game, Ocellus was the one who lost. She awed in defeat.
"Aww, I lost? This is just great... I hope the professors don't notice me!"
She panics and thinks of all the negative outcomes.

"Woah woah! Calm down. I'm sure things won't end so badly if you fail. Besides, this can't be the first time to snuck around."
Sandbar says.

Ocellus looks at Sandbar.
"I guess you're right."
She sighs.
"Alright, I just hope they don't catch me and think I'm doing something bad!"
She says then thinks of what she could do to avoid getting caught.

The others think with her, wanting her to succeed. Though it didn't matter sense Ocellus thought of a plan before they did.
"I've got it! It's so simple, why didn't I think of this sooner?"
She says sweetly.
"I guess I better get going."
She says then runs out.

The others watch her run out in hope that she'll make it without getting caught.

Ocellus then turns into a mouse, her being a changeling and all, and she began running is small spaces where no pony could see her. She keeps running around until finally she finishes and goes back to her friends. Once she did she turns back to herself.
She says happily.

Her friend cheer for her.
"Awesome! Tell Yona and friends how you did it!"
Yona says excitedly.

After Ocellus tells the story they all wowed, thinking her technique was clever, despite it being pretty simple and obvious.

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