Dare 4:

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@DuskTheNightLight dared Smolder to wear a frilly dress made by Rarity and prancing around in it for the whole day in front of the others

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@DuskTheNightLight dared Smolder to wear a frilly dress made by Rarity and prancing around in it for the whole day in front of the others.

Ocellus reads the dare out loud to everyone.

They all look at Smoler while holding in a laugh though Smolder herself wasn't taking it very well.
"H-Huh!? No way!"

"Aww c'mon!! That would be so cute! And you like cute and girly stuff, like you said not long ago."
Silverstream says in her usual positive attitude.

Smolder crosses her arms and looks away.
"I like it when I can enjoy it on my own! Doing it in front of other creatures is embarrassing!"

"But we're not "other creatures", we're your friends! And we would never make fun of you for liking the things you do."
Sandbar reassures warmly.

Smolder looks back at them with a blunt explanation.
"I saw you guys laugh when you heard the dare! You will make fun of me!"

Gallus chuckles.
"We weren't laughing because of what you like, we laughed cause the dare is so ridiculous. Wether you're girly or not, the dare is hilarious! You'd laugh too if anyone of us had that dare."

Smolder scratches the back of her neck.
"Hehe.. I guess so."
She says with a smirk.

After some time, they're all at Rarity's boutique and Smolder was in the changing room, not wanting to come out.
"C'mon Smolder! You can do it!"
Ocellus says to encourage her friend to come out.

"This is embarrassing! I mean, I like the dress but I don't wanna show it off like this!"
Smolder protests. Though she was admiring herself in the mirror in the changing room so no one could know.

"Pretty pleeaaase! I'm sure you'll look GREAT!"
Silverstream says excitedly.

Rarity then walks over to them.
"If everything okay here?"
She asks sweetly.

"Smolder doesn't wanna come out."
Sandbar says while looking at her respectfully.

Rarity then approaches the door and knocks on it gently.
"Darling, you're keeping everyone in suspense. I'm sure you look positively fabulous! And if any creature says otherwise they shall be TERMINATED!!"
She says innocently until that last word came up, that sounded creepy and over the top.

The Young 6 all look at Rarity in shock, including Smolder who was peaking her head out of the door. They eventually shake it off and all look at Smolder.

Smolder sighs in defeat and shyly opens the door, revealing herself in the frilly pinky lolita dress.

The other young ones gasp as her eyes sparkle once they see their friend in the cute dress while Rarity smiles brightly.
Silverstream screams and flys around excitedly.

"Yeah! I'm a little disappointed, I was hoping I would make fun of you somehow but you actually look good in it."
Gallus says with a smirk.

Smolder looks down at her dress nervously.
"You think so?"

They all give her nods of agreement and positive "mhm"s and "yup"s.

Smolder smiles softly.
"Thanks, you guys."
She says warmly then looks at herself in the mirror. Suddenly she remembers softly and hunches over in annoyance.
"The prancing... UGH! This is so stupid!"
She says then slips out of her dress.

"Darling! Why are you taking off the dress?"
Rarity asks in shock.

"I have to prance and whatever while wearing the dress, and there's no way I'm doing that here in the middle of the boutique! We're gonna go back to where we were so I can do this in private, and I'm not going out while wearing the dress."
Smolder explain and holds the dress in her arms.

"Ohh, I see. Well, have fun, darlings!"
Rarity says sweetly and picks up the dress from Smolder with her magic and puts it in a bag and gives it back to her.

"Thanks Professor Rarity!"
Smolder says and they all leave the boutique.

Later when they arrive, Smolder slips back into the dress and sighs.
"How exactly do I "prance around"?"

They all look at each other then shrug.
"Think you have to do little girly hops or something?"
Sandbar says.

"It like the Yak dance that Yona showed you before!"
Yona says happily.

"With less earthquakes."
Gallus adds with a chuckle.

Smolder sighs heavily then begins prancing in a sarcastic and girly way.

The others watch while some hold back a laugh.

After a while, Smolder finally stops and immediately slips out of her dress.
"I've had enough girly for one day! I have to go fight a dragon!"

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