Dare 8:

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@SivellusLover dares the young 6 to play truth or dare

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@SivellusLover dares the young 6 to play truth or dare.

Ocellus reads the dare out loud.
"Oh, sounds easy enough."
She says with a smile.

"Aren't we already playing truth or dare?"
Silverstream asks while looking at all of her friends.

Ocellus then responds.
"Technically, we aren't. Truth or Dare is daring and asking each other, while Ask or Dare is doing and/or answering what the readers want."

"Mudbriar? Is that you!?"
Gallus says sarcastically, making his friends laugh at his joke.

"Anyways, shall we get started?"
Sandbar suggests.

"Yes! Yak best at truth or dare!"
Yona says happily and hops up and down, making the ground shake.

Few seconds later, they were all sitting on the floor in a circle. They've already decided that Sandbar would go first.
"Hm... Yona, truth or dare?"
He asks her and they all look at her.

Yona takes no moment to think about what to pick.

Sandbar chuckles then thinks of a dare.
"Alright... uhhhh. I dare you tooooo... pick one of the others to hug SUPER tightly!"
He says with a smirk.

Yona laughs and looks at her friends to decide which one should be her victim.

"What!? Why me!?"
Smolder screams in protest.

"Because Yona feels like it."
Yona says happily then gives Smolder a tight hug.

Smolder gasps then tries to breath.
"Yona!- Too- tight-!"

After a few seconds, Yona let's go as their friends start laughing.

(Sorry this one is really short, I wasn't really sure how to do this. But I hope you enjoyed! ^^)

Ask and/or dare the Young 6 (MLP)Where stories live. Discover now