Dare 7:

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Mlpfan07 Dares the young 6 to visit Mount Aris and let them pick between the land and sea

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Mlpfan07 Dares the young 6 to visit Mount Aris and let them pick between the land and sea.

Ocellus reads the dare out loud to her friends, but before she could say anything, Silverstream speaks up.
She screams excitedly, making the rest of group cupping their ears, trying not to go deaf.

"That does seem fun, I can't wait to see where you grew up."
Sandbar says sweetly while removing his hooves from his ears along with the rest of his friends.

"Is no one gonna point out that Ocellus always reads the comments?"
Gallus points out.

Smolder then speaks up.
"I don't need to go to both land and sea, I already know I'll prefer land, cause I can't breath fire under water!"
She says with a tough tone.

"I don't know, the sea sounds super fun! With all the fishes and you swim forever! That sounds amazing!"
Ocellus says happily.

"Yona no like water! Yona prefer land!"
Yona says and stomps her front hooves on the ground aggressively while exhaling heavily from her nose.

Gallus crosses his arms.
"Guess not."
He says, still fixated on the statement he made earlier.

Later, they're all in the train to go to Mount Aris. Silverstream was talking to the rest about her home and saying all the amazing things about it that she loves.

The rest of them were listening, getting excited to see what her home was like.

This routine went on until they made it to Mount Aris. The second the train doors opened Silverstream dashed out as fast as she could, being the first creature out. The rest of the passengers went out, taking their time, including the rest of the young 6. They met up with Silverstream who was looking around excitedly.

Ocellus then places her hoof on Silverstream's back.
"Silverstream, I know that you're excited but we need to stay together, you're the only one out of all of us who knows their way around so if we get separated we'll definitely get lost."
She says with a warm smile.

Silverstream looks at her changeling friend and nods with a smile.
"Alrighty! Now c'mon!"
She says and flys away.

Ocellus sighs before they all run behind, following Silverstream.

Silverstream led her friends to the beach.
"Which one first!?"
She asks excitedly.

"Up to you, bud'"
Gallus response with a smile.

"Oooh okayokayokayokay!!! How abouttttt THE SEA!!"
Silverstream screams excitedly.
"Now then, we much all hold hands, that way I can use my magic crystal to turn us all into... uhm... sea-dragon, sea-changeling, sea-yak, sea-griffin and sea-pony!"

"Or, "sea-creatures", it's easier."
Smolder says with a smirk.

"But.. what if Yona drown!?"
Yona says, worried sense she still hasn't gotten then hang of swimming.

"You don't have to worry about that! Sense you'll be a sea-yak, you'll be able to breath underwater! Which means you can't drown."
Silverstream reassured her happily.

"Now that I think about it, didn't Yona almost die multiple times for the weirdest things?"
Gallus questions and thinks a bit on his own.

Yona smiles and Silverstream.
"Okay, Yak tough, Yak can swim!!"
She says with confidence.

"Good for you, Yona! You're very brave."
Ocellus says sweetly.

"Is everyone gonna ignore me when I point out the obvious!?!!"
Gallus screams angrily then sighs in frustration.
"Whatever, let's get this over with."

Silverstream smiles brightly.
"Alrighty then!"
She says then holds Sandbar's hoof, who was standing right next to her.

They then all hold each other's hooves/claws. Silverstream then touches her necklace and they all turn into sea-creatures and dive into the ocean together. They all swim together happily.

Yona was doing a couple of flips in the water as she swam with her new tail.
She says excitedly.

"Hey Yona, I bet you can't swim faster then me!"
Smolder says, wanting to start a race.

"Yona CAN swim faster then Smolder friend!"
Yona says and they both immediately start to race each other.

The rest of the group laugh at them competing and start cheering for them to hype them up.

After lots of fun under water it was time for them to get out. Silverstream transforms them back to their original selves. They all shake to get the water off of them then they sit down to relax after all the swimming.
"Okay, that was awesome."
Gallus says with a smirk.

"Yeah! Who knew being a sea-pony would be so much fun!"
Sandbar says happily.

"I know right! Even if I can't breath fire down there it's still super fun! I still prefer land though."
Smolder adds with her arms crossed.

"Now then, time to go to the REAL Mount Aris!!"
Silverstream says excitedly while flying up.

The group looks at each other then back at Silverstream.
"Uhh, aren't we already in Mount Aris?"
Sandbar asks.

"Actually, we're at the beach that separates Mount Aris and Seaquestria."
Ocellus response, nerding out as usual.

The group looks at Ocellus in shock. She blushes and looks away with an awkward smile.
"Hehe.. I studied ahead in friendship geography of Professor Twilight's class."

The rest of them chuckle and she joins in on the laughter.

Later, they were all at Mount Aris, the real amount Aris, and they all see the beautiful field with all the pretty flowers.
They all woahed in unison. Except for Silverstream obviously.

For the rest of the day they were here they were sitting on the green grass and having a picnic with the food that Silverstream's father, Shy Beak, had prepared for them. They enjoyed their moment until the next train arrived.

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