Dare 12:

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Mlpfan07 dares Sandbar to take the others to a field trip to wherever he want

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Mlpfan07 dares Sandbar to take the others to a field trip to wherever he want.

Osellus reads the dare out loud to the group.

Sandbar smiles excitedly.
"Ooh! I already have the perfect idea!"

"Already? Wow, this dare is perfect for you."
Smolder says with a smirk and her arms crossed.

Sandbar chuckles awkwardly and rubs the back of his neck.
"Hehe.. I guess I've been looking forward for my turn to host a field trip or something. I mean, Gallus, Smolder and Silversteam already did it, I wanted to a try it out."
He says with an awkward smile.

"Well today's you're day! Where should we go then? Ooooh I can't wait!!"
Silverstream says happily.

"I was thinking we could go to..."
Sandbar starts and gives a dramatic pause.

They all stayed quiet for a bit.
Gallus finally says, breaking the silence.

"Manehattan is a super cool place!"
Sandbar responds.

"Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Manehattan filled with snooty brats with high standards."
Smolder raises an eyebrow, judging that place.

"I think that's more Canterlot then Manehattan."
Ocellus response.

"The only difference between the two is that Canterlot's citizens are rich and classy or they go to Celestia's school."
Gallus points out, making the others laugh.

Sandbar chuckles.
"I guess you're right, but there's more to Manehattan then you think! It's also the fashion icon of all of Equestria!"
He says happily.

"If pony love snooty town, then Yona does too!"
Yona says and smiles brightly.

"Well? What are we waiting for? LET'S GO TO THE TRAAAIIIN!"
Silverstream cheers and dashes to the train happily.

The others chuckle and quickly follow her.

They arrive at the train station and wait for their ride.

Twilight walks to the train station with Spike and a bag. She sees her students there and walks over to them.
"Hey there! What are you six doing here?"

The young 6 look at their head mare.
"Oh you know, we like sitting at the train station for no reason."
Gallus says sarcastically.

Sandbar rolls his eyes with a smile.
"We're going to Manehattan."

"Ooh, sounds fun! What for?"
Twilight asks.

"Cause I want to."
Sandbar says proudly.

Smolder then walks a little closer to Twilight.
"I've got a question."

"Oh! Is it a friendship question? I'll happily help you out!"
Twilight says happily and gives Spike a scroll and a red quill.

Spike rolls his eyes and gets ready to take notes.

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