Dare 2:

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@Mlpfan07 dares Gallus: I dare you to give an entire lecture about Griffinstone

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@Mlpfan07 dares Gallus: I dare you to give an entire lecture about Griffinstone.

Ocellus reads the dare out loud for every creature to hear.

"Great, I'm back at school."
Gallus says in a grumpy tone with his arms crossed.

The others couldn't help but laugh.
"This is actually great! We only learnt about friendship, magical artifacts and pony history. I would love to know more about where you all came from and the history of your homes!"
Ocellus says excitedly and got a notebook and pencil, ready to take notes on the history of Griffinstone.

Gallus sighs.
"Fiiine, at least I know the history of Griffinstone better then pony history so I guess it's not that bad."

Everyone else gathers in front of their griffin friend and sat down, awaiting the lecture.

Gallus then begins to tell the story.
"So, it started off when king Grover became the first king of Griffinstone thanks to the magical crown that he wore, but the thing that gave griffins hope wasn't the royalty, it was the golden idle, it's basically just a fancy hunk of gold but it gave light and hope to every griffin. That is until the rain and demise of king Vuto, who's the last king and royalty of Griffinstone... An evil creature came to steal the golden treasure! While he was running away with, he accidentally fell into the Abysmal Abyss along with the golden idle, meaning it was gone forever. Because of that, griffins were miserable with no hope or pride. Years later, professor Pinkie Pie and professor Rainbow Dash were called by the weird map thing to go to Griffinstone. When they got there, they friendshiped a griffin named Gilda by giving her baking powder and somehow 5% of griffins became 10% more tolerable."
He says in a dramatic way to keep his friends interested, which definitely worked.

They all say in unison in amaze.

Ocellus was taking notes the whole time and she was definitely the most excited to learn.

"I have to say, if you told this story, minus the part with the professors, at the feast of fire, you would DEFINITELY win the gems!"
Smolder says with a smile.
"You should come to the dragon realm during the winter break and tell the story and we could spend time together for the entire holiday!"
She continues excitedly while flying closer to Gallus.

"Yeah! That would be awesome! I'd finally do something in winter break, and sense I have no use for gems I'll just give them all to you!"
Gallus says, also getting excited.

Smolder happily flys higher up and even makes a flip.
"Woohoo! I can't wait for winter break! I'm gonna eat like a dragon lord!"

Sandbar suddenly speaks up.
"I just hope that everything gets better for all the griffins there eventually."
He says in a sad but hopeful tone.

"Yeah! Why do they all care so much about that golden idle?"
Silverstream asks curiously.

Gallus looks at his friend.
"Griffins are like that, they all care about gold more then anything else, at least most of them are. I used to be just like that until I met five awesome creatures that's worth more than all the gold in equestria."

"Awwwww!! That's so cuuute!"
Silverstream says happily.

The others also awes while Gallus blushes in embarrassment.
"W-What!? No it's not! And stop awing me!!"
He shouts embarrassedly.

"Well friends like griffin too!"
Yona says cheerfully while gathering all of her friends into a tight hug.

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