Chapter 3

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Sunny snuggled into her pillow. It was warm and heavy...and breathing. She slowly opened an eye and took in her current situation. Negan was sleeping on his back next to her his chest rising and falling rhythmically. She was laying on her right side, her head on Negan's shoulder. His left arm was wrapped protectively around her back. His hand cupping her butt. Her leg was thrown over his lean hip. Her arm was stretched over his chest. His hand covering hers. She could feel his heart beating beneath her palm.

Oh my god. How did we end up like this? We didn't-- No, I'm still in my prairie get up. Look at him sleeping. He actually looks normal and nice. You should kiss him! What? No! Hello, morning breath. How mortifying would it be if mine were worse than his? No one wants stinky cheese kiss. I need to get away without waking him up.

Slowly, she moved her hand out from under his and lifted her leg off of him. She started to turn her body when he suddenly rolled to his side and pulled her back into him. She froze and she felt the hard length of his arousal pressed against her. Hot and flushed, she fought the desire to arch her back and grind on him. She nervously started easing her body away from him.

"Where're you going?" a husky voice behind her asked.

"Uh...I have to pee," she wanted to slap herself.

Negan chuckled and let go of her, "Come back after. I'm not done with you yet."

Holy crap! No. No no no no no. This is not happening. You barely know him. Yes, he's incredibly sexy. Look at how cute his bedhead is. And yes, he is, apparently, built for it, but you cannot go back in that bed with him. Actually, you could. God, I hate myself right now.

She left the bedroom and closed the door quietly behind her. She went to the bathroom and started getting ready for her day.

Keep your routine. Keep your sanity. Keep your routine. Keep your sanity. Saying a mantra in your head seems like you've already lost half that battle. Awww... he finished our laundry. The laundry...nothing is ours. Don't be weird.

She grabbed some clothes from the dryer. Jeans, a green t-shirt from some camp she had to go to years ago, and Hello Kitty socks. She stared at her face in the mirror.

Should I put on some makeup? Why are you even thinking about this? Maybe just some mascara.... He saw you yesterday in ridiculous pajamas and without a stitch of makeup. Do you really think he's going to care today? Why are you trying to impress him? Because I want him. I want him to want me. He's too old for you. I don't care. Why would he be interested in you? It doesn't seem like he's disinterested....Ugh! Just stop. You cannot keep doing this to yourself. This is going to be Jackson all over again.

Sunny threw her hair up in a ponytail and left the bathroom. She walked through the living room to the closet. Locked.

That's weird. Why would it be locked?

She went to the kitchen and opened the junk drawer to find her mini flathead screwdriver. Back to the closet and she jimmied the screwdriver into a hole on the knob. A quick turn and the door was open. Inside, she saw all the weapons that Negan found.

At least he didn't steal them....yet. What does he want anyway? None of this makes any sense.

She opened the door, entered the closet, and closed it behind her.

Negan awoke to the smell of coffee. Not that shit they served at the Sanctuary...actual coffee. He dragged himself out of bed. He couldn't remember the last time he had slept so long or so heavy. Sleeping next to Sunny's sweet little body was something he could get used to. He wished she had come back this morning. He hadn't wanted to let that feeling of ease go. Maybe his morning wood had scared her off.

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