Chapter 26

2.8K 76 16

Summary- Life at the end of the world goes on.

Word Count- 4k

Warnings- Explicit


Let's remember I planned this fic out in December 2016. So during the first part of season 7. There is a lot that is not canon. Gracie doesn't exist. Maggie is not stone cold. Rick is still very much a thing. Negan never hooked up with Alpha. Just roll with it. Enjoy the nostalgia. And thank you to everyone who has followed this story. I cannot believe we're finally here. I had doubts that I would ever find this particular muse again but the thought of even just one person caring about this story made me determined to finish. Thanks to @flames-bring-a-ton-of-ash for cheering me on as we worked together this year to finally finish our Negan fics. We did it!

 We did it!

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18 months later...

Sunny loaded the wagon with the last of their things. Aaron and Eric were walking her daughter to pet the horses at the front of the rig. Carol had long moved on from the house finding her own place of solitude until she felt like she was ready to be a part of a community again.

She turned, blocking the early morning sun from her eyes as she gazed upon the house. People were busy with chores. Feeding chickens. Milking the cows that they finally found. Unloading the supplies sent from Alexandria and loading fresh food to send back. People walked down the street to visit neighbors and take them new supplies.

They had established a system that kept everyone comfortable. Trades were flourishing. Thanks to some museum runs and a good harvest, people were learning to make clothes and tools from scratch. It was a far cry from the scavenging everyone had relied so heavily on at the beginning of the end of the world.

There were still dangers in the world. The communities had come together to defeat The Whisperers when they arose to terrorize. And there would be more dangerous people in the future but for now, everything seemed quiet. Although it was easy to live life waiting for the other shoe to drop, Sunny had taken to reminding herself of all she had to be thankful for.

Never had she imagined that she would be anything other than a useful outcast. But she had earned everyone's trust. And thanks to Carol, Aaron, and Eric, she had even gained some responsibility. She attended meetings to give reports on the farming village jokingly called The Sticks due to its distance from everyone else. She was listened to when she gave suggestions. She was even asked for opinions.

When she was asked to move to Alexandria, she was a little taken aback. Leaving her home again, her comfort zone, was something she had never planned on doing again. But Maggie and Rick had suggested that she help take over the schooling of the kids since she had experience with what homeschooling could look like since most everyone else had only experienced brick and mortar schools. It would also be good for the baby to have friends. They arranged a home for them. It was getting crowded in Alexandria, but they were used to sharing a house.

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