Chapter 5

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"You didn't!" she squeed as she ripped the wrapping paper off of her gift, "You did! You found a copy?" She looked at the cover of Jane Eyre. Her smile was contagious. She wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug.

"We had one at The Sanctuary. So-"

"Sanctuary?" she pulled back to look at him.

"That's what we call our community. We have a small collection of fucking books, and it just so happens this one was fucking there."

She opened the cover and gasped, "Did you steal this from a library?" She looked at the tell-tale circulation book pocket.

"I couldn't exactly check it the fuck out. No one is fucking missing it. So....Jane? Adele? Helen? Eliza? Charlotte?"

"No to all," she laughed, "Did you read this?"

"That's a fucking chick book."

"That's not a no," she laughed.

She didn't know what possessed her. The present, his interest in her interests, or possibly the wine, but she leaned forward and kissed him. It was soft at first, but she relaxed against him pressing small open-mouthed kisses against his lips until he responded. He growled and deepened the kiss. His tongue exploring, his hands roaming up her the sides of her body slowly—thighs, hips, waist, breasts, collarbone, neck—before coming to rest along her jawline angling her head to give him better access. Her hands found their way under his shirt. She ran her fingers up his abs and into his chest hair. She moaned and began to rock her hips on his lap.

Negan, suddenly, grabbed her shoulders and pushed her away breaking their kiss. "We can't do this," his hands rubbed his face.

"What? Why not?"

"Princess, you are drunk."

"No, I'm not." She leaned in to resume their kiss but was gently pushed back again.

"Touch your cheeks, kitten."

"Oh my god...they're numb."

"See...fucking drunk. I want to make very sure you know what you are consenting to. I'm not some fuckboy high schooler. We do this, and you are fucking mine. Mine and only mine. Forever."

"You want me forever?"

"Fuck yeah. I'm not an easy man to live with. There are rules for being with me and being at The Sanctuary and you will obey them."

"You want me to leave here?" Her eyes widened.

"I'd fucking protect you, baby. You wouldn't have to worry about anything. I would treat you like the god damned treasure you are. I would give you everything."

"I—I don't know..."

"Well, then it seems you have a lot to think about. Maybe we should just fucking call it a night."

Bitterly disappointed at her loss of potential orgasms, Sunny looked at Negan brows furrowed and she bit her kiss swollen lips.

"Don't give me that look, doll," he said.

"We can't have any fun?" she asked. She pressed up against him and kissed him gently on the cheek and trailed soft kissed down his neck.

"Sunny, I'm trying to be a fucking gentlemen."

"I don't know any gentlemen, remember?" she whispered as nuzzled against him.

He grabbed her face and looked her in the eyes. He didn't want her to have any regrets. But, Christ how he wanted her. He needed her. Her playfulness, her sass, her innocence. He was not a man who denied himself pleasure especially when offered so sweetly. Her eyes flicked to his lips as her tongue wet hers.

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