Chapter 9

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Negan laid in bed for hours holding the sleeping form of his new bride wondering how the hell he was going to get her home. He wanted to keep her sheltered. He wanted... no he needed her innocence. He wanted it all for himself. He'd have to drive her back at night so she couldn't see the ghost towns and hordes of walkers. He definitely didn't need her seeing what guarded the walls of The least not until she was on the inside.

God damnit, he was going to ruin her. He couldn't just stay here...he was needed to keep order, to make sure his people moved past just surviving. He couldn't leave her here either. He needed to know she was safe. He needed to be with her as much as he could. How the fuck had he gotten in this mess? At least with his wives, he had never felt like his happiness had been on the line. He could live without any of them. If something happened to Sunny...there's just no going back. His world had begun when the walkers rose. He climbed to a position of power he never would have had before. He lifted the dregs of society into a community that was thriving. And it could all end with this small woman sleeping beside him. She didn't even know what kind of power she had. Pulling her close to him, he finally fell into a restless sort of slumber.

Sunny woke with her legs wrapped around Negan's. She looked at his sleeping form long and strong. Her hands ran through his dark chest hair then down his abdomen following the trail of short springy curls under the sheets. He was already hard when she softly stroked the silky skin. She gently moved down the bed under the covers. She had wanted to do this, to taste him for weeks. She had been so disappointed that she had never had the chance. She lifted his shaft in her hand her thumb rubbing the smooth head. She wet her lips with her tongue before encircling the tip with them. She swirled her tongue and lowered her mouth further down his erection. His hips thrust. He moaned as he stretched his lean body.

"God damn, doll. This is quite the fucking wake-up call," he said a lazy smile stretched across his face.

Sunny pulled the sheets back and smiled at Negan. The sight of him at her mercy with ruffled bed head sent a rush of wetness between her legs. She maintained eye contact as she licked her way from his balls up along his thick dick caressing his veins with her tongue. He threw his head back, eye squeezed tight, as he let out a low groan. She began to bob up and down his length taking more with each movement, her hand working the base squeezing and twisting.

"Oh, fuck. That feels so fucking good." He ran his hand through her hair and gripped it tight. He loved the feeling of her mouth working his cock, how she turned side to side creating pressure and friction in alternating patterns with every dip of her head. He looked down at her between his legs; his spit slick dick disappearing into her lips, cheeks hollowed as she gently sucked on him, and sweet ass in the air behind her. He pulled her hair gently until she stopped her ministrations.

"I'm gonna fucking come in that sweet mouth of yours if you don't fucking stop, and I want to sink my dick in that pretty pussy of yours." He sat up and patted the bed next to him. "Hands and knees, baby. Let me see that fine fucking ass."

Sunny obediently crawled up the bed as Negan moved behind her. She looked over her shoulder biting her bottom lip. She wasn't sure what to expect. She knew of this position, of course, but never experienced anything beyond missionary. The butterflies in her stomach were nothing compared to the throb between her legs. Slickness spread across her upper thighs as she squeezed her legs together trying to dull the ache. A loud smack danced in her ears before she registered the hand across her cheek. She let out a small cry of surprise. He had spanked her.

"Uh-uh, princess. Spread those fucking thighs. I'll take care of you. Me and only me. I can fucking see how wet you are. Did sucking my dick turn you on, baby? You like having my cock in your mouth, don't you? The evidence is dripping down your thighs. My perfect dirty girl." His hand slid up her thigh before palming her mound. She rocked back against his hand hoping for some friction. She squeaked when he slapped her pussy. "I said, 'I'd take care of you'. Don't try to get yourself off again unless I tell you to. Understand?"

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