Chapter 21

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   Negan's truck pulled through the gate of Alexandria with two  more following behind. Dwight drove which was preferable to Simon who  couldn't stand silence. The man never knew when to shut up and coming  from Negan that was saying something. The ride was long but blissfully  quiet. He had no fucking desire to spend that time going over plans for  the hundredth time or listening to another fucking pep talk. 

   He didn't want to hear about how Sunny was probably still out  there. No one had seen her in two weeks. If she hadn't shown up  somewhere by now, the chances of her still being alive were slim to  fucking none. 

   What he needed was a distraction, and Alexandria was the perfect  diversion. It was his least favorite group of survivors but the most  fun. Rick was the easiest to rile and his submission the most rewarding.  Not all the leaders of the communities they visited were limp dicks  like Gregory, but most rolled over without much effort. Negan had to  actually work to get this group under his thumb. 

   The glares from the people atop the gate fueled his acrimony. If  anyone deserved to be the scapegoat for all the shit he was feeling,  this group was it. They could all eat a bag of dicks.

   The neighborhood was idyllic. Beautiful houses lined clean  streets. Grass grew in the yards and flowers bloomed in raised beds. It  was a huge fucking leap up from an old dirty factory. It would be a  sweet setup if it weren't for the puffed-up prick who thought he was in  charge. 

   This is what Sunny had deserved. A home in a gated community.  The only things missing were white picket fences and PTA meetings. 

   Rick came down the street followed by his backup dancers, Daryl  and Carol. His bow-legged strut, hands on his hips, made the sadistic  smile spread across Negan's face.         Showtime.  

   Negan hopped out of the truck. He swung Lucille with a flick of  his wrist before flinging her over his shoulder, careful not to snag his  leather jacket with the barbed wire.                   

   "You're two weeks early, Negan," growled Rick in his southern  drawl. He wanted to punch that smarmy look off that asshole's face. Beat  him until he was as bloody as Glenn and Abraham had been. If anyone  deserved a slow painful death, it was Negan. 

   "No, hello? No, how are you? Where's the hospitality, Rick? Are  you sure you want to take that tone with me?" Negan was itching to teach  someone a lesson.         Please let it be Rick      , he thought.

   Rick's eyes dropped to the ground. His jaw clenched, but no more  hostility came spewing from his mouth. "We're not ready. We don't have  enough yet," he said, shifting his weight in his cowboy boots. 

   Negan knew they hadn't had enough time to meet any quotas. But  he didn't care. Not anymore. "Well, that sounds like a fucking you  problem that you better not make a me problem there, Rick."

   A small group had gathered outside. People on porches, peeking  behind curtains. Everyone watching. Waiting. Rick sighed in defeat,  knowing there wasn't a damn thing he could do to stop this. Any form of  defiance would result in someone's death and he knew he could shoulder  any more guilt on his shoulders. 

   Negan approached Rick, throwing an arm around his shoulder. His  men followed in his wake just waiting for his word. "Let's get this show  on the road here, Rick. Our audience is waiting."

   "The Saviors?" Sunny asked, feigning ignorance. Why was the universe against her? Or was this a sign?

   "They come once a month and take half the stuff we've scavenged  as payment for them 'protecting' us from hoards of walkers." Denise  looked at the young woman near her. She had to warn her. To help her  protect herself a little. She seemed so innocent. "They're a bad group.  The worst. I'm going to go hide some of our medicines. Stay inside. You  might want to go hide upstairs. It's best to avoid these assholes." 

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