Chapter 16

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So, I've had this story  planned out since December 2016 when I started posting and I'm not  changing anything because of canon. There will eventually be people that  are dead in the series alive in my story. There are plot elements that  weren't part of the show until the finale of the past season, and when I  saw it I was so upset because they got to it first. The smut is going  to be taking a back burner to actual plot from now on. It'll still be  present but no longer a focus now that Sunny is trying to expand her  world.

Sunny looked down the empty hall and made her way slowly towards  the stairwell. She knew their floor was typically empty, only hearing  movement in the hall moments before Negan would come home, but she'd  only seen it after curfew. Who knew if there were patrols during the  day?

Her heart pounded. Her hands were clammy, but excitement was over  riding her fear. After all Negan had said, "Stay out of trouble" and  everyone knows, you're only in trouble if you get caught. She had no  intention of getting caught again.

   Dun dun dun da-dun. Dun dun dun da-dun. Do do do. Do do do. Do do  do. Do-do. Ok, Mission Impossible, stop thinking about theme songs.  Being stealthy does not include a soundtrack. If you get caught you will  be chained to the bed forever. And tortured. Deliciously tortured.  Don't think about that. That's only going to make you want to get  caught.

She opened the door to the stairwell and listened closely. Leaning  over the railing, she peered down trying to catch a glimpse of movement,  maybe guards, but saw none. Quietly, she stepped down the tiled,  winding staircase. Dust muffled her steps some, but she could hear the  squeak and creek of the soles of her boots. She was thankful none of the  doors to the different floors had windows. She took a deep breath as  she reached the first floor. Her hand hovered over the door knob. Her  wedding ring sparkled in the florescent light above, and her heart sank.

   Is this worth making Negan mad? What would really happen if he got  mad at me? Would he send me home? No. He'd be mad for a while, but he  would see how useful I could be and how safe I am here. It will all work  out. And people. You're going to get to talk to people. No more lonely  days.

She took her ring off and pocketed it. This was it. There was no  going back. She slipped into the hallway on the first floor, ready to  blend in. She kept her head down as she made her way to the laundry  room. She knew she would be less likely to be seen tucked in that corner  of The Sanctuary.

She tried not to look at the people she passed. Most of the ones she  caught a glimpse of looked tired, maybe a little bit dirty. Their  clothes were stained and well worn. She'd have to make sure to keep  wearing the same clothes. No one greeted each other as they passed. A  small group gathered to one side of the hall, speaking in hushed tones.  It was eerie and unsettling like walking into the funeral of a person no  liked, but everyone felt obligated to attend.

The rumble of machines filled the air as she crossed the threshold of  the laundry room. Bags of dirty clothes lined the walls on the left.  Machines filled the back wall under frosted windows with two more rows  of machines back to back in the center of the room. There were even a  few large buckets with honest-to-god old timey scrub boards. Tables were  pushed against the right wall with people standing in front of them  sorting and folding the clean sheets, towels, and clothing.

"Who are you?" a raspy voice barked behind her.

Sunny jumped and turned to see a man with a clipboard eyeing her warily. "I'm new. I was told to come here today."

"What's your name?" he asked. He was short, maybe average and she was  just used to tall now. He wore glasses on the edge of his nose. Dark  greasy hair hung over his forehead.

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