Chapter 8

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TW: Angst, Smut, Edging, Daddy Kink, Squirting, Language, Jump Scare

Negan sat in his office staring at the new bedroom door. He swirled the scotch, the ice gently clinked against the glass, and brought it to his lips. He swallowed the last mouthful in one large gulp feeling warmth spreading down his throat. He had everything ready. All he was missing was Sunny.

   She's too fucking stubborn for her own good. She has no fucking  clue how damn vulnerable she is out there on her own. She'll come the  fuck around. She has to. I'll fucking make her. God fucking damnit.

He walked across the room and flung the door open. His hazel eyes drank in the blues and greens. Dark wood stood out against the soft colors of the bedding and pillows. He didn't understand why the bedding came with so many fucking throw pillows, but he had put those on the bed too. Framed paintings of large floral landscapes graced the walls bringing beautiful fields of flowers, stilled waters of ponds covered in lily pads, and a grove of blooming cherry blossoms and weeping willows swaying in the wind into the would-be office space. Shelves held books,  board games, movies, everything she could need to entertain herself.  Comfy armchairs much softer than the leather seats he preferred in his office and a fluffy area rug created a sitting area for reading. There was even a fucking chandelier for her. The room was much more feminine than his previous style. He couldn't imagine Sunny against all that red and black. It was too harsh for her. She should be surrounded by beautiful things. Soft things.

Negan walked over to the bathroom he had fitted for her. He would keep the one in the office for himself. He knew he would get home late,  more often than not, covered with reeking foulness. He wanted to shield her from that part of his life. He opened a bottle of lotion and inhaled. He had stocked her bathroom with all the girly smelly shit he could find. She could pamper herself with the finest toiletries money once could buy.

Most of what he found came from a ritzy neighborhood of mansions they had ransacked. He'd never been able to surround himself with the finer things in life before the world practically ended. Like hell, he would deny himself now. And with his princess by his side, he would finally have everything.

It had only been three days. Three torturous days. He hadn't had sex or gotten off since he had been with Sunny. The first thing he did when he returned was get rid of his harem of wives. He didn't want them anymore. Hadn't wanted them for a while. He had set them up with a hefty sum of points to live off of. They could get jobs or find a new meal ticket if they needed more. Four of them seemed relieved. Sherry was confused and angry. Amber was just downright pissed and determined to keep their arrangement going.

She had come to him yesterday wearing as little as possible. She leaned over the desk that he was working at. Her tits nearly spilling out of her top.

"I understand why you'd get rid of the others," she said," but I thought what we had was special."

"I made it fucking clear I didn't want anyone here that didn't fucking want to be here," he replied.

She walked around the desk and kneeled next to him. "But I still want to be here. I always will." Her hand rested on his knee then crept its way up his thigh.

He grabbed her hand and tossed it back at her. "But I sure as fuck  don't. You've got enough damn points to keep you pretty fucking  comfortable. That's all you're getting."

"But what about my new furniture?" she pouted.

"You're lucky you get to keep the shit you have."

"That's it? That's all I mean to you!" she shrieked.

His eyes narrowed as he took in her transformation from vixen to banshee. "I was your fucking ticket to an easier life. You were my piece of ass. You fucking agreed to that. You consented to  every-fucking-thing. Calling you a wife just legitimized the  transaction."

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