Chapter 14

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This chapter is pretty much  all smut. If you don't want to read smut, then you could probably skip  this and not lose many plot points. Lol.

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Sunny woke the next day alone. She rolled over to find the other side  of the bed empty and made. A note rested on Negan's pillow. She  unfolded the paper and tried to adjust her blurry eyes to the neat  print.


        Get up and get showered. You can wear whatever you want today.  


She knew Negan would be back soon with their food. She threw off the  covers and slid to the floor. She winced at the soreness between her  legs, heat spread across her cheeks as she remembered the cause.

Gingerly, she made her way across the room to the bathroom. She  stopped shy of the door staring into the full length mirror next to it.  Her messy bun lay haphazardly on the side of her head loosened by  Negan's grip. Strands that had escaped the hair band stuck out in odd  angles like broken spider legs. Purple and red trailed down her neck,  breasts, and thighs where his mouth had staked his claim. Bruises marked  where Negan's fingers had gripped her hips as he steadied her against  the brute force of his thrusts. If she tried hard enough, she thought  she could see the outline of his hand on her throat where he had  squeezed until she no longer drew breath.

Negan had kept his promise. He had fucked her mercilessly. Any time  she got close to orgasm, he'd cease dominating her body, slamming her  peak into a brick wall, before changing positions, bending her body and  twisted her limbs in ways she had never thought possible, to let the  pleasure build once more. It was the first time her pleasure hadn't been  a priority, and the first time she hadn't come. Far from being scared  of the ferocity of his passion, her body pulsed with want, desire for  more. Need.

Not knowing how long she had until his return, Sunny decided to grab  some clothes from the closet before showering, wanting to cover the  evidence of last night's punishment. She opened the closet and gasped.   She hurried to her dressers, opening all the drawers one by one. Empty.  All of it gone. Not a single item of clothing was left in her bedroom.

She tried the door leading to the office where Negan's closet was, but as she suspected it was locked.

"Son of a biscuit," she muttered to herself as she looked around the  room. He had said to wear anything she wanted....he didn't specify it had  to be clothes.  She grabbed the sheet from the bed and stomped her way  to the bathroom.

Sunny showered and shaved in record time. She dried her hair and  brushed the long dark locks out. Finally, she folded the sheet in half,  draped a corner over shoulder, and wrapped the rest around her waist  twice until she could tie the loose corner to the one on her shoulder.  It was by no means a perfect or pretty toga, but it would do. She only  wished it covered all the hickies on her neck.

She stumbled out of the bathroom, tripping over the sheet before  lifting up the hemline. She first noticed the door to Negan's office was  open then she saw her husband leaning over the little table setting  their meal for them. Her teeth nibbled her bottom lip as she drank in  the sight of his long legs in black cargo pants and his broad back in  his signature classic white t-shirt.

"Drink it in, kitten. I know you fucking want to," his voice floated  over his shoulder. He rotated to face her, his eyebrows rose as his eyes  traveled over her body. "What the fuck is that?"

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