Chapter 15

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One week. Seven whole days. Sunny had been good as long as she could.  Movies, books, nothing could hold her attention. She was going insane  as she began to pace the room.

Her entire existence was now tied to Negan. Her life only had meaning  when he was present and that was only a few hours in the evening most  days. She could feel herself slip into the familiar cycle of boredom and  loneliness every time he walked out the door after breakfast, her heart  sinking as she watched him. Desolate and despondent she waited for him  to return, like a puppy waiting for his boy to get home from school.

   Ugh. I'm so bored. You thought being a princess sounded pretty  good two weeks ago. Well, yeah....I just didn't know I was going to be the  one locked in a tower. Now I'm begging for a chance to be Cinderella or  Snow White. I would totally take some dwarves to clean up after and  civilize. Or some woodland creatures. Maybe just a puppy. Do those even  still exist? Oh my god, I may never see a puppy again in my life time.  No more cat videos either. Damnit.

Sunny had been raised to be productive. There had always been work to  do at home, but here she had nothing. Nothing to do. Nothing to keep  her mind occupied. Nothing to challenge her. Nothing but Negan. She  hated feeling lazy and dependent.

She slowly opened the door and peeked out, tip toeing into Negan's  office which was once again open to her. She still hadn't managed to  earn back her clothes. She'd grown accustomed to her own nudity in the  last week. She had to admit that she loved the feel of her skin against  Negan's rough pants and leather jacket as she wrapped herself around him  when he came home in the evenings. But she needed something to touch  her. Something of his. She grabbed one of his white shirts from his  closet and pulled it over her head. She took a deep breath, inhaling his  scent giving her a sense of calm in her mind and arousal in her body.  How did he manage to have such an effect on her when he wasn't even  here? She had managed to be alone for 2 years without cracking up. Why  was this so different?

Her mind started wandering towards Negan's declaration from the night  she ran. She hadn't been able to bring herself to say it back yet, not  knowing if it were true. Thankfully, he hadn't repeated those  sentiments. She should love him, right? He was her husband. Did she love  him? Did he really love her? Their relationship looked nothing like her  parent's or any of the adults she had met. But that didn't necessarily  mean theirs was wrong. Did it?

Sunny shook her head, trying to clear the invasive thoughts from her  mind. She'd dwelled on it too often this week. She needed a break from  her thoughts. She needed someone to talk to. Someone who wasn't involved  and able to smooth talk her or fuck her into complacency. She needed  friends.

Sitting at Negan's desk, she opened a drawer and took out a sheet of  paper and a pen. She curled her knees to her chest, tucking them under  the soft white cotton, her nose nuzzled under the neckline, breathing  deeply as she started writing lost in her thoughts.

Negan carried a tray of dinner from the kitchen's to his room. No one  had asked why he needed to two plates. No one dared. He knew tongues  were wagging though. Amber had made that clear enough to him the other  day.

"Who is she?" she had demanded.

"Watch your tone. Who is who?" He cut his eyes, staring at the  furious woman in front of him. She had been sweet and shy when she first  became a wife. But he had watched her turn bitter and resentful when he  had brought new girls into the fold.

Why she was persistent in her pursuit of him now, he sure as hell  didn't know. She didn't love him. She didn't even like him. There were  plenty of other guys she could live off of if that's what she wanted or  jobs she could do if she needed anything. Was it all wounded pride?

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