Chapter 10

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Sunny could feel her mouth hanging open as she stared at the woman standing next to Negan. She knew she should get up and introduce herself, but all she could do at this moment was sit frozen, a caricature of every cartoon character she ever saw as a child, jaw on the ground, eyes bulging out.

Oh my god! She's so—so beautiful. What the hell is a freaking glamazon doing in the apocalypse? How is she still here? Of course, she's tall, fit.... Look at how long her legs are! Short, soft girls like me were probably the first to go. Survival of the fittest. I can't outrun anyone with these stumps. I'm just a fun-sized walker treat. Is she wearing makeup? I should've put on makeup. I need to learn how to do a smoky eye. Are all the women at The Sanctuary like this? I can't do this. I need to stay in my little pond where I am winner of every superlative.

Negan set Lucille down by the door, walked over to her, and pulled her to standing. He gripped her chin and tilted her head giving her a slow kiss. He grinned as she gently pushed him away her cheeks flushing a bright pink. "Not an exhibitionist?" he whispered into her ear. "Sunny, this is Sherry. She has fucking graciously volunteered to watch your house and take care of shit."

"All by yourself?" Sunny asked. "I mean, hi. It's nice to meet you." She extended her hand and shook Sherry's. "Come on in. Make yourself at home. Mi casa es su casa." She groaned. She could hear how lame she sounded. She watched Sherry walked to the couch and sit down gracefully.

This is it. This is when Negan realizes I'm a total whackado, so completely crazy, and leaves me here to go shack up with super sexy Sherry. What if they've already shacked up? Holy shit. Is this what I am being compared to? It's not fair. My only basis for comparison was a dumb high schoolboy. You need to calm down. No...freaking out is appropriate. Look at her!

"Oh, I'll enjoy the solitude," Sherry said, smiling warmly. "It'll be so nice not having to share everything with roommates," she continued, her eyes flicking to Negan sending him a wink. "But eventually, someone else will join me when I get tired of being alone."

Negan shot Sherry a stern look. "Sherry, honey, the kitchen's right there. Why don't ya get yourself a fucking drink?"

"Sure thing, Neg." She stood, her long legs mocking Sunny's existence as their long strides past her, curvy hips swaying enticingly.

He sat on the couch and pulled Sunny into his lap. "Hey, princess, what the fuck's going on in that beautiful head of yours?" he asked. His fingers ran through her hair, twirling it around his long thick finger.

She fidgeted with the zipper on Negan's jacket. "I just—well Sherry is so—"

"Smokin' hot?" he provided.

"Well, yeah." Her brow knitted in concern as she nibbled on her bottom lip. "I guess I just wasn't prepared. I mean, I figured if you went for me, pickins were slim but seeing her—"

"Excuse me? The fuck do you mean 'slim pickins'?" He grabbed her face forcing her to look him in the eye. "You think I'm fucking slumming with you? No. Look at me. Is that what you fucking think?"

"She's tall and beautiful. Confident. Older. She's everything I'm not. How could I not be intimidated? I mean look at her fucking legs!"

"That's one," he said firmly.

"What?" Sunny asked.

"I told you to watch your damn mouth, didn't I? We'll address that later. Did you ever stop to fucking think that maybe you're everything she's not? If I fucking wanted her, I'd sure as shit be with her. God damnit, Sunny. You're fucking gorgeous and sexy as fuck." He pushed her hair over her shoulder and nuzzled into her neck while running his hand up her thigh. "I dream about being between your legs. Making you cum all over my face. Your body is so fucking responsive to my touch. I've never been with anyone so fucking perfect." She moaned as he pressed down on the seam between her legs. She squirmed against his touch. "You also aren't a stone-cold bitch like most of the women nowadays. You're so god damn sweet and innocent..."

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