Chapter 13

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"What were the rules I gave you? The rules you asked for?" Negan  stood, glaring down at his young bride still on her knees before him.

" cussing," Sunny said batting her lashes at him innocently.

"Don't fucking go all doe-eyed on me. That shit won't work. What are  the other fucking rules, Sunny?" He swung Lucille over his shoulder, his  other hand resting on his hip.

"No, lying. Wear what you tell me. No touching myself...."

"Damnit, Sunny. You fucking know which rule I am talking about," he growled pinching the bridge of his nose.

She sighed and averted her eyes to the gravel between his black leather boots. "Do what you say, no questions asked."

"That's fucking right." He paced in front of her. "And does starting a  blowjob and running out the god damn door sound like something I would  tell you to do? Because I sure as shit know I would never fucking tell  you to stop sucking my dick. And I know I fucking told you to stay in  that room. What the actual fuck, doll?" He stop in front of her once  more. "Look at me."

Sunny raised her eyes. Negan was as mad as she had ever seen him.  Furious even. Lips pressed together. The corners of his mouth turned  down. She knew she probably deserved some of it, but not all of it.

"Five fucking seconds of freedom and you almost got yourself killed.  What do you have to fucking say for yourself?" He knelt down, Lucille in  front of him, his chin leaning on the flat knob.

"You think I don't know what you were doing?" she asked quietly.

His eyebrows drew together as he stared at her. "The fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"You're treating me just like he did," she accused.

"Who the fuck are you talking about?" he yelled.

"Distractions and excuses. Every time I asked for a tour. Just like  Jackson. He always had a reason why we couldn't go out on a real date.  Or hang out with his friends...are you ashamed of me too?"

She thought of the heartbreak she felt when Jackson threw her aside.  The pain of her sister leaving like half of her was missing. The  hopeless loneliness when her parents never came back. Dead  puppies...anything to start some waterworks.

Negan watched as her eyes filled with tears. Fuck. Fucking Fuck. He sighed. "God damnit, I'm not ashamed of you."

She dabbed her cheeks with her sleeve. "Then why do you lock me in?"

"I'm not locking you in. I'm locking all the other motherfuckers out.  I keep tabs on all the communities that work for us...maps, inventories, all our outposts. You name it. I fucking know it. I am the  only person that has all the information. It's the only fucking way to  keep this place running without some asshole trying to take over."

"But what if there's an emergency while you're gone? What if I get  hurt or sick? How do I find the doctor? What if there's a fire? How  would I know where to go?  Why don't you want to show me?" Her tears  were openly flowing as she watched his reaction. Tears had always worked  on her father. Her sister had cried her way out of trouble too many  times to count.

He shifted on his heels, his eyes closed and opened them again. He  laid Lucille down and wiped the tears from her cheeks. "Don't fucking  cry. Fuck. I just wanted to keep you happy. God damnit."

"By locking in me in our room?" Her head tilted to the side. Her red eyes searching his as she sniffled.

"It's the fucking end of the world. You've been holed up all cozy in  your fucking childhood home surrounded by familiar things that felt like  home. This place is a fucking shithole of miserable bastards just  trying to make it to the next day who have fucking done and seen things  that have changed them for the worse. Why the fuck would I want you to  see that?"

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