Chapter 6

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Negan rose from the bed. Her eyes were still closed, but her breathing had evened out. He grabbed a handful of tissues from the nightstand, cleaned Sunny's lower stomach as best he could, and patted her thigh. He snatched his boxers off the floor and left the room.

She opened her eyes just in time to see his lean naked form walking out the door. The haze of lust and wine was diminishing. She sat up and caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror over her dresser. Naked. Thighs still glistening with her release. Her hair was wild, stuck to her forehead and neck with perspiration and teased in the back. Her mascara and eyeliner, so painstakingly applied, smeared into her temples. She looked debauched, and for the first time, she really felt it. She crawled under the covers trying to hide from her own judging eyes. Sitting up she pulled the sheet up covering her nudity, hugged her legs to her chest, and rested her forehead on her knees.

Oh my god. What did I do? You enjoyed yourself....for once. How could I just throw myself at him? Ugh, I can't even blame the wine. I wore matching undies. I shaved places I have never shaved before. I gave myself a pep talk to have a one-night stand. I made that decision way before he got here. Was it even a good one? Um. Yes! Do you not remember those orgasms from minutes ago? Worth it. Soooooo worth it. When have you ever felt that before? Never. But why do I feel this way now? What's going to happen? What do I do? What was all that forever talk? He couldn't have meant it. Why would he? Ugh. Would you just shut up and enjoy the afterglow?

She heard him enter the room. Her cheeks heated as she remembered the state of her hair and her makeup. She lowered her knees sitting crossed legged and clutched the sheets closer to her. He sat on the bed, his hand trailing up her thigh.

"A little fucking late for modesty, doll," he said, "I mean, shit, I was just nose deep in your—"

The sheet dropped as her hands slapped against his mouth. His laugh rumbled against her palm and he pressed a kiss into her hand. His eyes twinkled as they roamed down her body stopping to admire her newly exposed breasts. She released his face and covered herself.

"I know it's just--"she started looking down.

"That I fucking left the room for 2 god damn minutes, and you started fucking slut-shaming yourself? It's written all over your face, princess. Out with it. Was it too fucking much? Did I fucking scare you?"

"Um no...I think I mostly scared myself. This just isn't like me. I thought I could--but now—I mean, what we did was really intimate. But I don't really know anything about you. I guess I'm just confused."

"Did you enjoy it?"

She looked away and blushed.

"It's okay," he whispered, "I already know...the evidence was dripping off my—"

"Yes! I enjoyed it."

He laughed, "Then what's the fucking problem, baby?"


"Look, we live in a shit world where nothing is guaranteed. We have to seize moments like this by the balls. Trust me, holding back and fucking taking things slow will only lead to regret. We can get to fucking know each other along the way."

"You don't think less of me?"

"You fucking kidding? I'll be thinking more of much more....the way you were moaning and grinding up against me. Fucking hot."

She slapped his shoulder, "That's not what I meant!"

He leaned over and placed a kiss on her forehead, "You're fucking perfect. Now go take a shower. We don't need you snail trailing all over the sheets."

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