Chapter 4

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Negan arrived at The Sanctuary and started barking orders at his men as he made his way to his room. He needed to keep up appearances. Sunny was his. Her house was his. He wasn't about to let any of these dumb fucks know what a god damned gold mine he found.

"Dwight! Fucking find me someone with some fucking construction knowledge. ASAP and bring them to my room."

"Yes, sir."

Negan poured himself a drink. His clothes smelled like her. He had 3 days to set his plans into motion. Who knew how long it would take. They might have to find the tools and materials needed if they didn't already have them. His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on his French doors.

"Fucking enter."

"Hey, baby," his wife's voice floated across the room to him.

"Not now, Amber."

"But, you've been gone for so long," she pouted prettily.

"I said not fucking now."

"What's with you?" she crossed her arms and huffed.

"I have shit to do that doesn't include fucking you. What do you want? We both know you wouldn't be here if you didn't want something so just fucking get to it."

Her wide eyes quickly turned into a glare, "Fine. I want new furniture. I'm tired of my room. I also want first dibs on things between the wives. I can make it very worth your while."

"I'll fucking see what I can do about the furniture. There's no fucking way I am giving you first dibs and starting that kind of shit storm between the wives. You ladies can fucking figure that shit out on your own."

Another knock sounded at the doors.

"Get out Amber."

She turned on her heels with her nose in the air as Dwight and a few men entered.

"Alright, men. Here's what I fucking want. I am god damned fucking tired of my bedroom doubling as my office. There is a fucking suite on the other side of this fucking wall," he motioned to the wall opposite the door, "I want the fucking doors to that suite to open in between this room and that one, and the fucking old door hole walled the fuck up. That way I have a fucking private bedroom and office to deal with you assholes. Any questions?"

"No, sir."

"Do you have the fucking tools and materials? Any fucking idea how fucking long this will fucking take?"

The men shifted and looked at each other nervously. One finally, stepped forward.

"Speak the fuck up, man. Jesus fucking Christ. I asked questions. Just give me the fucking answers," Negan demanded.

"We should have what we need. The Saviors raided a hardware store a while back. Most of that is in the warehouse. With set up, demo, rebuild, and clean up it'll take a week or ten days tops."

"Fucking finally. Dwight, make sure these men have access to what they need. They are to be watched while working. You have the next three days for inventory and planning. I'll be gone on a solo run for 2 days. Get your demo and the hole filled by then. Cover all my shit. I want to be able to sleep in my own fucking bed when I get back. I fucking want this room cleaned first then you can fucking paint and clean the other room. Furniture and shit I will take care of. Is that fucking clear?"

"Yes, sir."

"Then get the fuck out and get to work."

"Dwight, you watch them."

"Yeah, boss."

The men filed out the doors. Negan sat on his couch and breathed a heavy sigh. In two weeks, he'd be ready. The question was would she?

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