Chapter 12

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Negan established a routine for the two of them over the next few days. Setting a few boundaries and expectations for her would help her transition into her new life. He'd waked up early and quietly pick out an outfit for her, laying it on the foot of their bed. He'd gather dishes from the day before and leave them outside the office door in the hallway for someone else to deal with...they always disappeared before he returned. He'd dress and get ready in the office then leave and check in with the Saviors for the overnight reports. He'd make the rounds then end up in the cafeteria getting yet another tray set for two. By the time he'd make it back to their suite, she'd be dressed and ready for the day. He always looked forward to seeing how she looked wearing the outfits he chose.

Her second day, he set out a black garter belt, thigh highs, and some platform stripper heels he scavenged from a sex store. No panties. No bra. As he set the tray down, she walked out of the bathroom. She walked slowly with a little wobble every now and then, her hips swaying, naked breasts bouncing. Her dark hair pulled into a pony tail. Her pussy outlined by black lace. His dick went instantly hard. His mouth dry, wanting to quench his thirst between her legs.

Sunny walked towards him and gently pushed him down into the chair. "How do you like my outfit?"

"Fuck, princess. You look good enough to fucking eat. Turn around let me see that sweet fucking ass." His fingers ran through his scruff. He shifted in his seat, his cock straining against his pants.

Sunny turned and peeked at Negan over her shoulder, watching his eyes darken as he drank in her body. She stepped back between his legs and lowered herself onto his lap, leaning back against his chest. She draped her legs over his, spreading herself on top of him. His hands immediately traveled over her body. One stopping at her breast squeezing the soft curve, pinching and pulling her nipple into a hard taut peak. The other skimmed down the flat plane of her torso, touching the intricate pattern of the lingerie before his fingers slid through the hair on her mound reaching her smooth wet slit. She moaned when he spread the wetness he found over her folds covering her delicate pink flesh up to her throbbing clit. He pinched the bundles of nerves causing her to arch and push herself into him. His fingers thrust into her wetness stretching her to accommodate the thick digits. Her hips rolled grinding her ass on his dick as his curved his fingers inside of her.

"Fuck, doll," he groaned as she gyrated on him. He removed his hands from her body. "We're going to have to fucking wait till tonight. I got shit I've fucking to go do."

Sunny whimpered at the loss of his fingers. She slipped off his lap and turned around to face him. Sinking to her knees, she started tugging at his belts.

Negan grabbed her wrists. "I said we'd have to fucking wait. As much as I'd love to sink my dick into that wet pussy of yours, I've got to go."

"You haven't even eaten yet," she pouted. "Please don't leave." She stretched up, wrists still in Negan's hands and gently kissed him on the lips.

He growled against her mouth. "Sunny, I'll fucking be back tonight, and then I promise I'll fucking eat until we are both fucking satisfied." He stood and pulled her pony tail tilting her head back, kissing her deeply. He sucked on her pouting lip as he pulled away. "Be a good girl. No touching yourself, kitten. Who does this pussy belong to?"

"You, daddy," she whispered sweetly, nuzzling into his neck.

"Fuck me. You aren't making this easy. Before I go, thought you might want that." He motioned to her duffle bag, kissed her forehead, and walked away.

He had left her to go jack off in some broom closet like a fucking teenager. He needed her to be a wanton horny mess when he got back. Distracted beyond reason. Desperate for him. And she had been.

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