1: Icarus

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In Greek mythology, there was a tale of Icarus.

The son of the famous craftsman, Daedalus. The father had managed to create two sets of wings for him and his son so they could escape from imprisonment. While they flew up into the sky, towards their freedom, Icarus soon forgot about his father's warning and flew too close to the sun. His wings made of wax melted as he fell into the sea, and perished.

The tale of the boy who got too close to the sun.

"And that's all for today's lesson." The teacher announced, coming to a conclusion with her explanation of their Greek mythology lesson. "Make sure to study up on all of the things we've learned. We'll be having our final exam to see whether or not you get the points for this class or not." She informed, while the class bell rang.

"Gah, I can't go on learning about mythology any longer." Kageyama groaned, thudding his head down onto his wooden desk. Greek mythology was a support class for students that were having hard time in their core classes. It was either this, or dropping out of volleyball. "What does me having a hard time with english have to do with learning about old Gods and stuff?" He murmured, turning his head so that his cheek rest on the surface of his desk.

"I mean, it's not that bad! I think it's pretty interesting!" Shoyo beamed, another person a part of this class because of his grade in math. He was the taller boy's desk partner since they found out they would be taking this class together. "Plus, there's only like three more days until summer so, bear with it."

It was pretty much the only way to make it seem a tad bit more bearable. Especially since half the time was spent passing notes to each other about volleyball and stuff.

"You think the most lamest things are interesting." The raven haired boy scoffed, quickly standing up from his seat. His comment caused Hinata to make that 'hmph' noise, as he also stood up from his seat. They both packed their useless notes and writing things into their backpacks, heading out of the classroom.

"Oh look, it's dumb and dumber." A condescending voice came from around the corner. It turned out to be none other than Tsukishima, and Yamaguchi who was chomping down on a granola bar.

"Which one do you think is 'dumber'?" Shoyo whispered over to the raven haired boy who just shrugged. They discussed it back and forth between each other until they heard an annoyed scoff come from Kei.

"God beanstalk, what's got your panties in a twist?" Tobio huffed, getting sick of the constant scoffs and 'tchs' coming from the blonde boy.

"Nothing, your Highness. Are you guys still taking that Greek support class?" Tsukishima snickered, changing the course of the conversation. Kageyama and Hinata just nodded, one with boredom, and one with eagerness. "Pfft, just hope you two can pass before summer comes. Or else, the volleyball club will have two less annoyances." He sarcastically smiled, walking away with Yamaguchi who was just snickering alongside him.

"Geez, Tsukishima sure has gotten more cold nowadays, huh?" Shoyo clicked his tongue, watching the two boys disappear while turning the corner of the hallway.

"Nah, he's just getting more annoying." Kageyama rolled his eyes, up to his head with the blonde boy. But Tsukishima was right. Both boys absolutely HAD to get their grades up before summer came around. Otherwise, they would probably be stuck in summer school, and would not be able to go to the training camps and all the other events held during the summer. 'Well, it's not like this Greek mythology class is hard or anything. If I pass, I'll get credits and be able to use them for english class and pass with at least a C.' He thought to himself.

Besides being easy, he was sort of lying about the Greek mythology class being all that boring. Especially since today's lesson, he was actually intrigued by it. Not by the story in particular, but by Icarus himself.

Kageyama didn't understand how someone could be so foolish to get that close to the sun. Well, at least to the point where their wings melted off.

'Well, maybe he was just trying to escape so that minotaur wouldn't get him and he flew too high in the sky.' He continued to think to himself, being more and more engulfed in his own thoughts.

"Hey Kageyama! What are you thinking so hard about?" Shoyo chuckled, waving his small hand in front of Tobio's face. He's never seen his friend this absorbed in thought before. "Heh, I bet you're thinking about the mortal we learned about today? I told you that you'd find it interesting." He snickered, causing an uprise with Kageyama.

"Shut up, moron! I don't find it interesting!" He retaliated, forcefully shoving his palm down onto Hinata's head.

"Oh? So you don't find my class interesting, Tobio-kun?" The teacher of their Greek mythology class seethed, seeing the two boys fooling around in the hallways. "Will it be more interesting if you fail and have to drop out of volleyball club?" She sneered, frightening the two boys, even if she was only speaking to one of them.

"Uh... n-no!-"

"Don't worry, teach! I'll make Kageyama like Greek mythology!" Shoyo happily assured, giving the angry teacher a thumbs up. It was debatable if he saved Kageyama, or just made him angrier.

"Good, thank you Sho-kun." The teacher smiled, turning to leave back to her classroom. It was vague but, it looked like she actually favored the orange haired boy over Kageyama.

"Obvious favoritism." Kageyama muttered, getting all sulky since Hinata was above him in some way. But the smaller boy did not make it any better.

"Well, who wouldn't favor me?" Hinata giggled, annoyingly smiling and pressing his fingertip against the side of his left cheek. He understood he just irritated the taller boy more since, he found a hand shoved against his face. "Okay! Okay! I get it!" He squirmed, shoving Kageyama's hand off of his face.

"Gee, you're so irritating. Let's go." Tobio scoffed, walking to their next class together.

But the thought of their learning of the mortal, Icarus stuck in Kageyama's mind. Like it was said, he couldn't understand how someone could be so careless.

What was the point of getting so close to the sun?

to be continued...

AN: if you haven't read my TsukiYama story, "In Love With My Bestfriend," you totally should (self promo 🌚). Anyways, it's not because i'm promoting my own story or anything, but because this is a sort of second story but with Kageyama and Hinata.

some things are different, and some of the timing and shit doesn't correlate with the TsukiYama story but bear with me besties.

you don't necessarily HAVE to read it to understand but, it's a pretty fluffy story so...( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). anyways I'll stop now so, I hope you end up getting through to the end of this story ;)!

the boy who got too close to the sunWhere stories live. Discover now