6: he fell in the hole

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After that awkward incident, they went to go find Sugawara and tell him that the bathroom door was locked.

"Oh! I have no clue why this door out of ALL the many doors, that one was locked." He carefreely laughed, "keke, our mistake." Somehow, it didn't cross neither one of their idiotic minds to go and find the silver haired boy earlier.

Tsukishima overheard what happened and seized the opportunity. "So... you two changed naked in front of each other? How appalling." He snickered, probably gonna take this information to their graves.

"Well I mean, we didn't look at each other so it's all good!" Shoyo gave the blonde boy an unnecessary thumbs up, leaving out the part where he turned and saw Tobio naked. "Plus, it's not like you haven't seen Yamaguchi naked before on accident, right?" He added, but Tadashi's face flushed in embarrassment.

"No? What the hell are you talking about?" An annoyed vein popped out in Tsukishima's forehead.

"Alright, alright, cut it out you two." Daichi stepped between both Hinata and Tsukishima before their talk got even more indecent. "Kageyama, Hinata you guys can go head out since you're already changed. Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, aren't you guys going too?" He asked, seeing as they didn't have their swimsuits on.

"Yeah, sure!" Tadashi smiled, going off into the room to change. Tsukishima wasn't planning to but he retreated back to the room also.

Kageyama and Hinata went out to the beach to where everyone was. The sand was soft on their feet, but a downside was that it was burning hot. The shorter boy ran to the water since he could feel the underparts of his feet scorching. Tobio just ran because he didn't want to get beaten. The heat wasn't much of a bother to him.

Hinata dove into the cold, but refreshing waters. "Ah, this feels so good!" He laughed, splashing the water up into the air. But Tobio was just standing on the shore instead of swimming. "Hey, what's wrong? Come swim!" He called out.

"It's cold." Kageyama muttered, feeling the icy waters splash onto his body. He was good with the heat but the cold... not so much. Shoyo bobbed in the salt water until deciding on what to do.

"If you don't beat me in a swimming race, YOU LOSE!" Hinata shouted, and the word 'lose' set something off in Kageyama. The taller boy dove into the chilly water, hastily swimming over to the orange haired boy. "Wow, you really never want to lose in anything, huh?" He chuckled, seeing how Tobio was now fully in the water. "By the way, there's no race, I was lying to you."

"You know I can drown you, right?"

"...You wouldn't?"

"I would."

Shoyo looked up at the raven haired boy with uncertainty. But, he dove head first into the water, quickly swimming away. Kageyama was right behind him, keeping an equal distance while they played a game of cat and mouse.

Eventually, they both grew exhausted and stopped swimming. Though, they swam without knowing where they were going so, they ended up at a strange area.

"Hey, where are we?" Hinata asked, getting out of the water. He looked around, not seeing the team, but only seeing an exhausted Tobio. But even he didn't know where they were at. "Oh- Oh wait! I can see the beach house from here." He shaded the sun from his eyes with his hand. It looked like the beach house was just a walking distance from where they were.

Hinata continued to walk up the rocks while shading his eyes, meaning he couldn't really see where he was walking.

"There's a hole-"


'And he fell into the hole.' Kageyama thought to himself, looking over, and into where Hinata fell in. He heard a splash, and not a thud so he assumed that the shorter boy landed into water. "Oi, you okay?" He cupped his hands over his mouth, calling out. He could hear the sound of Shoyo coughing, and hacking up water.

"Yeah...COUGH!...I'm good!" Hinata shouted back, treading in the water. It wasn't very dark because there was light shining from the opening on the other side of the cave.

He looked down in the water he was swimming in, making sure that there weren't any sharks or anything deadly swimming with him. The water was surprisingly, crystal clear and a vibrant blue. There were a few colorful fishes swimming around, but that didn't bother him.

"HEEEYYYY! ARE YOU STILL THERE, KAGEYAMA?" Hinata shouted quite loudly. A worrisome silence followed, as he thought the taller boy left him behind.

"Yeah, do you need something?" Kageyama suddenly said back. He looked down into the hole, seeing the shorter boy treading water. "Like... a rope or something? I can go call Daichi and Suga-san to come and help you out."

"No! Jump down!" Shoyo shouted again, flipping over so that he would float on his back.

"No thanks." Kageyama quickly denied because well, who in their right mind would jump into a hole filled with water. Hinata looked fine swimming in there but, the taller boy didn't really want to. "I'll go-"

"ARE YOU SCARED?" Hinata burst into a howl of loud laughter. His chortling echoed inside of the cave, only making it louder, and more annoying.


"Then juuummmmpppp dowwwnnn!"

Kageyama grumbled a bit but, something about the shorter boy's tone made it near impossible to refuse. So, he stepped into the opening, free falling down into the water. He came up above the surface of the water, wiping his hand over his face to get rid of the water in his eyes.

"See, it's so cool down here!" Shoyo giggled, still floating on his back. The raven haired boy looked around, seeing the bright and clear waters he was swimming in, white sand on the other end, and a small opening that was big enough for them to get out.

It was so peaceful. Plus, it was only two of them in here.

And no one else knew about it.

to be continued...

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