8: tongue tied

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"Oh yeah! Sports manga are good too!" Hinata happily agreed, completely shaking away all of that strange awkwardness in the air. "Anyways, are you going to sleep? It's kind of late." He yawned, tossing the manga onto the bedside table.

"Mm, I guess." Kageyama shrugged, taking his shirt off.

Hinata's eyes went from Tobio's eyes and onto his torso. He was a bit more toned than the shorter boy was. He was tall, and well, attractive so that meant girls flocked around him a lot. Anyways, that meant that Kageyama had abs, and Shoyo was busy gawking.

"What? It's hot, stop staring at me." Kageyama snapped, balling up the shirt, and throwing it into Hinata's face.
'...Why is he staring at me like that?' His face turned a slight pinkish color.

"Well, night." Shoyo said, turning off the light. Kageyama said goodnight back, going under his covers.


"Hiii-naaa-taa." A voice called out from a distance. It was hard to tell where from since he himself didn't know where he was. It was a white room with white walls, white floors, and a white ceiling. There was no way out, and no way in. "Over here!" The familiar voice announced from the other side of where it first called out from.

"Kageyama...? Is that you?" Shoyo asked, being able to recognize that familiar voice from crowds of voices.

"You figured it out, good job." Tobio praised, suddenly appearing right in front of him, and out of thin air. Everything about him was the same but... no. The taller boy somehow, felt different. Not physically though.

"Yeah? Where am I?" Shoyo confusingly questioned, slowly backing away from the Kageyama in front of him.

He wasn't scared or anything, it was just that he was unaware of where he was, and who the Kageyama was in front of him. He looked a little too friendly. Then something so unexpected happened that it made him fall backwards.

Tobio leaned down and... kissed him?

"AGGHHHHGHH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Shoyo loudly exclaimed, falling back onto his butt. His cheeks-no his face was almost as red as a tomato. "You- I- Why- WHY DID YOU KISS ME?!"

"Hm?" Kageyama hummed, dropping to his knees and planting another kiss onto Shoyo's lips. Deeper this time though.

Hinata's eyes were wide as bowling balls, "HEY STOP! THIS COUNTS AS HARASSMENT, DOESN'T IT?!"

"Huh? But isn't this what you wanted?" Kageyama asked with a serious tone in his voice. He seemed genuinely confused as he stared down at the shorter boy, tilting his head.


"You like me, don't you?"

"AGHHHH!" Hinata loudly shouted, waking up from the dream he just had. He was sitting up in his bed in a cold sweat.

He could still feel the softness of Kageyama's lips. He could still taste it too. It made his mind so hazy, and it was almost like that kiss could easily drive him insane. His heart was almost going to beat out of his chest, kind of like the sounds of drums banging in his head. Of course, his face was hot, still remembering every detail that happened in that dream.

"Gah, why are you yelling at 2 in the damn morning?!" Kageyama angrily woke up, glaring at the shorter boy through the darkness of the room.

The sound of Tobio's voice scared Shoyo, as he rolled right off of the side of his bed.


"Ouch..." Hinata muttered, rubbing the area of his head that he hit when he fell. Tobio got out of his bed, rushing to the side where he could see the shorter boy laying in an awkward position.

"Hey, what's going on? Are you okay?!" Tobio concerningly asked, sticking his hand out for the orange haired boy. The fact that Hinata was yelling and falling off of his bed at 2 a.m. shocked the taller boy a lot. He even thought someone broke into their room at first.

But Shoyo just slapped his hand away. He didn't mean to but, he still did out of instinct and because of his dream.

"Ow, what the hell did you do that for? Are you still sleeping?" Kageyama groaned, feeling a sharp stinging pain on the back of his hand. Hinata slapped it with such force. Almost like he was trying to defend himself. "You're making so much racket, you're gonna wake the whole house up."

"I-I... I need to go for a run!" Hinata suddenly jolted up, running towards the sliding door. He unlatched the lock, and sprinted out towards the beach.

"What are you doing?! Even though it's summer, you'll catch a cold dumbass!" Tobio half whispered, and half shouted. He grabbed two jackets, and dashed out of the door, and after the quick boy. He had no clue on what was going through Shoyo's mind. 'Was it a nightmare? What the hell is he doing?' He huffed, still sprinting.

He finally caught up to the shorter boy, grabbing him by his wrist so that he couldn't run anymore.

"Le- Let go!" Shoyo demanded, attempting to tug out of the taller boy's tight grasp. It was no use though. It was like Kageyama had a iron tight grip.

"Be quiet, you'll wake the whole town up!" Tobio shoutingly whispered, slapping his other hand over Shoyo's mouth. But, that did more harm than good since he was really close to the shorter boy's face.

His grip accidentally loosened after seeing how red Shoyo's face got. The smaller boy fell butt first back onto the sand.

"What... What's going on?" Kageyama desperately sighed, feeling like this wasn't really going anywhere. "Gee, you can talk to me. Was it a nightmare or something?" He asked, squatting down so that he was eye-leveled with Hinata.

But that was the big issue. Sho COULDN'T talk to him on what that crazed dream was about.

So, Hinata just sat there with a red face, and his eyes so wide that it could've popped out of its sockets. He was tongue tied, and didn't know what to say.

"Come on, you can talk to me." Kageyama reassured, softening his gaze upon Hinata. "We're friends aren't we?" He asked with a tone that was so undeniably hard to refuse. So, Sho spat it out.

"Yo- You kissed me!"

Certainly, it wasn't the response Kageyama expected.

to be continued...

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