3: problem children

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After a long, LONG night of studying, Kageyama went home and it was already the next day. Classes passed, and it was time for both boys to take their Greek mythology, final exam. Though the seats were normally partnered together, this time they were spread out across the classroom to prevent cheating.

'Hinata helped me out, so I should pass. I'll totally murder him if he fed me bullshit during our study night.' Kageyama thought to himself, eyeing the teacher as she placed the paper down onto his desk.

As he picked up the paper, he read through all of the rules. Great, it was a written exam. They had to choose one of the Greek mythologies that they've learned about, and write about what they've learned but they had to put it in a creative way. It didn't have to be a God or Goddess either.

'I could write about a God or Goddess. Maybe a hero, or a titan?' Kageyama debated to himself, tapping the end of his pencil against his lips. Honestly, he had so much to choose from. Especially since the help from Hinata expanded his knowledge even more.

But even if he had tons of choices, only one really stuck with him in his head. It wasn't a God, or Goddess. Nothing flashy, since it was actually one of the mortals.

He chose to write about the boy who got too close to the sun.

After class...

"My butt kinda hurts from sitting in the chair for so long!" Hinata exhaled, stretching his arms, and bending down to stretch his legs. "Hey Kageyama, what'd you write about in your essay? Tell me, tell me!" He impatiently pushed, appearing in front of the taller boy, and walking backwards.

"Icarus." Kageyama bluntly replied, absolutely spent from finishing that long ass exam.

"Oh, that's kind of unexpected." Shoyo murmured, "I would've thought you'd go with a more strong or flashy myth! Like an Olympic God or, a Titan."

"Nah, what'd you write about?" Tobio questioned, walking at an even pace so that he wouldn't topple over the careless boy walking backwards. 'At this rate, he'll crash into someone.' He scoffed.

"Athena!" Shoyo burst with excitement, glad that Tobio even asked. "She's so cool! Did you know that even one of the Greek Gods feared her?!" He continued to babble on, getting more and more careless where he stepped. So careless that he was about to crash into one of the third-years walking by in the hallway.

"Oi, watch out!" Kageyama warned, grabbing Hinata by his wrist, and pulling him in towards himself with full force. Somehow, the shorter boy ended up pressed against his chest.

"Ah..." Hinata muttered, but he suddenly realized how close he was to the raven haired boy. "T-Thanks, Kageyama!" He exclaimed, pushing Tobio away, harshly. He didn't really understand why but, he could feel his face heating up, and a small blotch of pink spread on his face.

"Sure...?" Tobio mumbled, catching wind of the flushed face of Hinata. He didn't understand why Hinata's face was like that either. It wasn't like they haven't gotten that close before.

"Anyways, I hope we both pass our exams! Otherwise, all of that hard work would've been a waste." Shoyo laughed, shaking whatever those weird feelings were. "Hey, what kind of volleyball things do you think is going on during the summer?" He eagerly asked, having his eyes sparkle with excitement.

"Mm, I don't know? Probably like practice games, and training camps." Kageyama shrugged, also shaking off that strange reaction.

"Oh, Daichi said he had something to talk about after practice! So, let's go!" Hinata remembered, suddenly picking up his feet, and jolting down the hallways. He was so quick that even Kageyama didn't realize he was gone until there was no one in front of him.

"Hey, no running in the hal-!"

"HINATA YOU MORON, GET BACK HERE!" Tobio boomed, picking up speed, and running right after the shorter boy.


Practice was the same as usual. Setting and spiking practice, middle blocking practice, and special receives for the libero. Of course, everyone pushed themselves and engulfed themselves in their practicing that the time quickly went by.

"Okay, clean it up." Coach Ukai said his usual words, commanding all of the players to sweep the court, put the balls back on the rack, and take down the net.

It took them around 15 or so minutes to clean up everything, and after that, Sugawara and Daichi called them over so that they could chat about something. They looked pretty eager to tell it too.

"So, there's something we wanted to talk to you guys about." Daichi smiled, but it oddly looked suspicious. Honestly, it looked like those two were gonna tell everyone they were a couple. "Since it is summer break and all, we wanted to know if-"

"We're inviting you all to my grandpa's beach house!" Sugawara joyfully cheered, cutting the captain off right in the middle of his sentence.

Sawamura just looked at him with the look that said, "what the actual hell, Suga?"

"...Anyways, if Karauno's two problem children pass their classes, we'll all be able to go as a team!" Sugawara chuckled, piercing his stare at both Kageyama and Hinata. "Coach Ukai, and Takeda-sensei both said they won't be able to go because Coach has to man his shop, and Sensei has to do work over the summer." He informed, meaning that it would only be the players, and the managers going along.

"If." Tsukishima snickered on the side, but over the two boys' shoulders. They both turned and glared at the snarky blonde boy.

"Fine, WHEN they pass their classes, they'll be able to come along." Koushi heavily sighed, tired of Tsukishima's comments, plus he didn't want them to start duking it out right here, right now. "It'll be a week long so, make sure to pack enough."

"Yeah, what Suga said." Sawamura saltily muttered, still a bit sour about being interrupted. "We'll leave the day after the last day of the semester. Stay safe getting home." He waved, exiting the gym with Sugawara.

to be continued...

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