13: everyone's replaceable

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Kageyama and Akira talked for the WHOLE damn time they were standing in line. They were getting caught up on what was going on in the year they haven't talked to each other. The taller boy talked about volleyball of course, and she talked about how much soccer tournaments her team won.

When Shoyo heard soccer and all about how she was so good at it, he came to a realization. And that was...maybe it wasn't him Kageyama was talking about that night.

"Oi, Hinata." Kageyama came up to Sho and tapped him out of his daze.


"You don't mind if I go on the ride with Akira by myself right? She wanted to talk some more." Tobio asked, and he sounded like he was almost pleading. But, all Shoyo could do was scrunch his face up in disbelief. He didn't believe that Kageyama was choosing this (gorgeous) hag over his best friend.

"Wait, what? But, didn't you come here so we could ride it together?" Hinata asked, with his heart aching. He thought that he'd be the one getting Kageyama's full attention.

"Yeah, I promise I'll ride it with you right after we come back down! So, is it okay?" He impatiently questioned, seeing how the line was moving.

What an idiotic question.

No, there was no way in hell it was okay. Hinata wanted to ride the ferris wheel with Kageyama so badly. But, when he saw the desperate look on there taller boy's face, something in him snapped.

"Yeah, whatever." Hinata muttered, while a smile grew on Kageyama's face. The shorter boy loved when he smiled but this time, he wanted to punch his face in.

"Thanks, you're the best."

"Yeah, sure."

Hinata watched as they both got into one of the cages. They were laughing and giggling with each other, and it almost made him sick. He watched as the ferris wheel went around in a circle, and he came to the conclusion that he wasn't gonna wait.

So, he turned around and walked back to the beach house.

As he walked home, he felt patters of rain droplets falling from the sky. Despite the dark skies, it was obvious that a storm was coming. Even though it was just sunny hours before. Crazy how fast the weather can change. When he got back to the house, it looked like everyone was still out, or sleeping.

Hinata went back to his room, and took a shower. Then, he decided to go out to the patio where he thought no one would be there but, someone was.

"Why are you out here, Tsukishima?" Hinata questioned, somehow startling the blonde boy who looked like he was lost in thought. At this point, the rain was coming down in buckets. 'Huh, hope Kageyama got to some shelter.' Even though he was angry, he couldn't help but worry.

But, a silence followed Kei.

"Tsukishima? What's wrong?"

"Nothing, what do you want?" Kei snarked, turning around to see the orange haired boy standing there in nothing but sweatpants.

"I just came out here for air, I didn't know you'd be here." Hinata sighed, walking over to where Tsukishima was. "Hey, where's Yamaguchi? Aren't you two always together?" He innocently asked, but another abrupt silence followed him.

"Somewhere where there's shelter, I suppose. Where's your King?"

"Somewhere where there's shelter, I suppose." Hinata mocked the blonde boy, but in an obvious jealous tone. This piqued Tsukishima's interests, as he was ready to make fun of the shorter boy. That was, until he saw tear drops plopping down his face.

"Do I even wanna ask?" Kei sighed, seeing the small boy sniffle and sob into his palms. It was like he just got broken up with.

"No, and I don't wanna answer." Hinata mumbled, attempting to wipe his tears away with his bare arm. But, they wouldn't stop and honestly, it made Tsukishima feel kind of bad. Probably because he himself felt like crying too. Of course, he would never be found dead crying in front of Shoyo though.

"Stop crying, you're supposed to be the happy one." Kei bluntly said, tossing a pack of tissues towards the orange haired boy. "I've got nothing better to do so, you can tell me what's going on."

"What's she got that I don't." Hinata sobbed, unwrapping the tissues Kei gave him. He blew his nose into one, sticking it in his pocket to throw away later.

'Gross.' Tsukki thought to himself, "I don't know who were supposed to be talking about here."

"Stupid Kageyama chose that Akira girl over me. We were supposed to ride the ferris wheel together." He sourly pouted, rubbing his already red nose with his hand. "He's so oblivious to how I feel! Almost more than you are to Yamaguchi's feelings." A causal insult was slipped in there but, Hinata didn't even realize it.

"Wait... you like the King?" Tsukishima asked, totally gonna get Hinata back for that insult when he's not totally sobbing like a baby.

Hinata solemnly nodded his head, waiting for insults and tauntings to come his way. Though, they never actually did. Honestly, it looked like Tsukishima was going through something similar because, he actually offered a bit of comfort.

"Did you tell him how you feel?"

"No, why would I do that?"

"Because people like his highness is too stupid to think about anything but volleyball. He won't know you like him unless you tell him." Kei harshly said, in no ways sugar coating his words. As expected.

"I don't want to be rejected though." Shoyo grumbled, actually confining in the last person he thought he would.

"C'mon, being rejected by him can't be worse than losing a volleyball game. If he rejects you, just pick yourself back up, and get over him. There's nothing really special about him, because everyone's replaceable." Tsukishima continued on, sounding like he really only wanted to talk crap about the raven haired boy.

Though even if they were harsh, his words gave a tad bit of comfort and confidence to Hinata. But, maybe it was because the smaller boy was another idiot.

"Won't things be awkward though? We are volleyball partners, and best friends after all."

"If you really like volleyball as much as you say, you won't let personal things get in the way of it. And if you say your friendship is as strong as I think it is, you two will continue to be friends. Simple as that."

Thing is, it wasn't as simple as that.

to be continued...

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