7: cat boxers

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The two boys spent a lot of time swimming, and down in that cave. They collected shells, and brought them onto the sand to see who had the prettiest ones. At first, Kageyama thought it was girly and weird but, Hinata made it into a competition so he HAD to participate.

"I totally won." Tobio stubbornly declared, pulling out his prize winning shell. It was a pretty big Queen conch shell. Almost around 9 inches. "Plus I have more small shells."

"WOAH! HOW THE HELL DID YOU FIND THAT?" Shoyo shockingly exclaimed, snatching the heavy shell out of Kageyama's hands. It was almost bigger than his head. "I only got a handful of smaller shells!" He emptied his swim shorts pockets, having a couple of pretty-patterned shells tumble out.

"You dove all the way down, but this one was closer to the rocks over there." Tobio responded, pointing to the wall of rocks.

"Wow, so cool!" Hinata beamed, looking back and forth between the shell and Kageyama.

Something about Shoyo's reaction caused something to stir within the taller boy. He wasn't really used to direct praises from the shorter boy. Though... he enjoyed it, and wanted to hear more.

Then, Hinata eyes found the opening up in the rocks. He caught a glimpse of orange since the sun was starting to set. "Oh, it's later than I thought it was. We should get going, Kageyama." He reminded, placing down the shell on the sand.

Kageyama nodded, "yeah, we should get going. We'll leave the big shell here."

They stood up, shimming their way through the opening on the other end of the sand area. They dusted themselves off, heading up the rocks again. The walk from where they were at to the beach house wasn't too far.

"We were about to call the police because we thought we lost you two." Daichi sighed, standing in the living room with a t-shirt and basketball shorts. He was coincidentally there as the two boys walked into the house.

"Sorry, we got lost and ended up swimming a bit more." Hinata nervously chuckled, not really wanting to tell them where they actually were. For some reason, he wanted to keep it a secret between only him and Kageyama. "Now, I'm gonna go take a shower!" He suddenly spoke, jolting to their room. In a rush since he didn't want the taller boy to get in the shower first.

Kageyama gained a sense of that. "That little..." He clenched his fist, and gritted his teeth.

"Now, now, calm down Kageyama." Daichi nervously laughed, seeing the tall boy start to get agitated. Kageyama nodded, going off to the room so that he could wait for his turn in the shower.

20 minutes later...

"Hey, the shower's free." Hinata came out with a white shirt and his boxers. He was rubbing his towel against his wet hair, attempting to dry it.

Kageyama looked up with a strange look on his face. Then, his eyes fell down to the boxers that the shorter boy was wearing. Shoyo tilted his head, wondering what he was looking at. The taller boy ended up taking his phone out, and snapping a picture.

"HEY, KAGEYAMA, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Shoyo flushed a vibrant red, charging at the raven haired boy to see what he was doing.


Hinata turned around, hearing the message notification go off from his phone.

Tanaka: YEAH!
Tsukishima: You're so embarrassing, it hurts.
Sugawara: Y aren't u wearing any pants?

"KAAAGEEEYAMA! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" Shoyo whined, turning around and shaking the taller boy by the collar of his shirt. Though, Kageyama just sat there with an amused, and smug look on his face. He ended up sending the photo to the Karasuno group chat. "I thought we were friieeennddsss!"

"You have cats on your boxers. How could I not take that chance?" Kageyama scoffed, pointing out the small cats on his boxers.

Shoyo just stood there with a sulky look on his face. "It's too hot to wear pants." He muttered, still a bit red-faced.

"Well, I have no issues, I just thought it was funny." Tobio shrugged, standing up and grabbing the set clothes on his bedside. "I'm gonna go take a shower." He informed, going off into the bathroom.

'...Why am I so red?' Shoyo embarrassingly covered his crimson red face with this hands.


"Oh? I see you put on a pair of pants." Tobio muffled his snicker, coming out of the bathroom. Hinata was sitting on his bed, reading a manga with a sour look on his face. "I told you that wearing your boxers didn't bother me." He shrugged with a smug look on his face.

"You... You're such a bully." Hinata grumbled, going back to what he was reading.

Kageyama peered, trying to figure out what the shorter boy was reading. "Hey, what manga is that?" He asked, sticking his face closer towards Hinata. A little too close.

"Ack!" Shoyo exclaimed in shock, shoving Kageyama's face away. "It's a manga called 'Given'. I only have volumes 1-3 with me since I just picked it up on a whim." He handed it to the taller boy after book marking the page.

'Romance manga huh?' Tobio looked at the manga the smaller boy handed to him. 'And... about two boys?'

"It's kinda sad though."

'I don't know anyone who reads boys love manga?' Kageyama continued to think to himself, looking at the manga in his hands. He didn't think Hinata was the type to.

"You can read it after I'm done if you want." Shoyo offered, but Tobio was still in his thoughts. "Kageyama? KAGEYAMA!" He shouted into the taller boy's ear.

"AGHHH!" Kageyama jolted upright, hearing the loud shouting in his ear. "Don't do that you moron!" He chastised, hitting the shorter boy over the top of his head with his fist. "But, no thanks. I'm more into action."

There was something strange that filled the atmosphere. Shoyo had a slight clue on what it was.

"You think it's weird huh?" Hinata asked with slight despondent in his voice. "That I read a romance manga about two boys?"


"Nah, I just thought you'd be more into sports manga."

to be continued...

AN: currently spending all my life savings on haikyuu and given manga 😪‼️ if anyone wants to send me money for my brilliant writing, and for my poor self, dm me.

or else i'll have to start selling feet pics. 🥺🥺🥺

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