16: me, your highness

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Summer passed, and the two boys didn't spend much of it together. Kageyama spent it focusing on volleyball, while Hinata did the same but, he had to go visit his grandma up in Okinawa so, he wasn't back at home until the new semester rolled around.

With that, the second semester of their first year came rushing in like a train on its tracks.

"Hey Sho!" Someone called out in the hallways while the shorter boy walked through them. He had his backpack with the stickers slinging around his shoulder, as he waved back to the friend calling out to him.

Coincidentally, Kageyama was also in the hallways. He turned his head to see the orange haired boy that met his eyes. He expected to be avoided again but, he wasn't.

"Hey, Kageyama!" Hinata called out towards the surprised boy, as he ran to him. He had his usual, bright big smile on his face, going off to walk alongside Tobio. "How was the training camp? It sucked I couldn't be there." He asked, but also grumbled.

"Oh, it was good. Some of the players on the other teams were sad that you weren't there though," he recalled players like Bokuto, Kenma, Lev and a few others complaining to their teammates (Bokuto mostly).

"What about you, huh? Were you sad that I wasn't there for our quicks?" Hinata smirked, catching the taller boy off guard. An embarrassed blush grew on Kageyama's face.

Oh yeah, one more thing that happened over the summer. While Hinata was away, the raven haired boy had some time to think alone. And the more he was alone with his thoughts, the more his feelings for the shorter boy grew. His feelings increased since he was away from Shoyo for so long.

But... something about Hinata was different.



"Welp, see 'ya later, Kageyama!" Hinata dashed off to class before Tobio could say whatever he was about to say. From far away, the taller boy could see that head of orange hair going off with his other friends.

'Stupid bell.' Kageyama groaned, trudging off to his next class.


The day went on like a usual school day would, and everything honestly seemed perfectly normal. Classes, lunch, then practice, everything that would normally happen like the 1st semester happened again in the second semester. Something wasn't the same as the first semester though but, Kageyama could not put his finger on it for the love of god.

Though suddenly, Hinata came running towards him at full speed. He stopped right in front of the taller boy before he could crash into him.

"Why are you in such a hurry?!" Kageyama exclaimed, lowering his arms after he shielded his face since he thought Hinata was going to clash into him. The shorter boy's eyes were gleaming with a strange affection, and he looked like he wanted to tell Tobio something.

"Hey! I have something really cool to tell you!" Shoyo happily beamed with excitement, just interesting Kageyama more and more.

"Yeah? What is it?"

Hinata was practically bouncing in his position, getting all ready to go and tell Kageyama the great news (according to him, of course). And while the shorter boy was getting ready to speak, Tobio was busy off in wonderland. 'Huh, I wonder if he wants to come over to my place after practice...'

"I have a boyfriend!"

Honestly, that was not the news that the taller boy expected. He felt his fists clench, and a ting of jealousy strike his chest.

"Wait...what? Who?!" Tobio demanded to know, not even thinking the orange haired boy had any time to actually find someone to date. After all, he thought that Shoyo liked him. 'Did I...already lose my chance?' He thought, feeling his heart drop to his stomach.

Then, a figure came up from behind Hinata, and placed their hand on top of his head. "Me, your Highness." Tsukishima said in his usual snarky tone.

Kageyama's eyes darkened, as it felt a whole lot shitter to know that it was this blondie that got to the shorter boy before he could. Honestly, it made absolutely no sense. First of all, Hinata confessed to the taller boy literally 1 MONTH ago, AND, he didn't even think highly of Tsukishima.

But, maybe there was a chance that all of that changed in the one month where Kageyama spent his time thinking to himself.

"Well, we have a date so, we'll be going! See you tomorrow, Kageyama!" Sho happily smiled, walking away, and alongside the blonde boy. They both disappeared into the crowds of students, just leaving the taller boy behind.


What the hell just happened?

to be continued

AN: sorry readers, short chapter

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