17: big crybaby

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"Gross." Kei harshly muttered, wiping his hand on the side of his pants when he got out of the school building. Though they looked like they were attached at the hip, the blonde boy and the orange haired boy separated once they were out of sight from Kageyama.

"Be quiet, it's not like I'm enjoying this." Hinata grumbled, pouting at Tsukishima.

"You're the one who agreed to try and fool Kageyama."


Around 1 month, and 3 days ago:

This was three days before Hinata left for his trip to Okinawa. even though he was leaving, he was already packed and stuff so, he decided to attend practice. Everything went as usual. He did his quick with Kageyama, attempted to do receives, and everything else he would normally do at practice.

That was until the end of practice rolled around.

"Hey, Kageyama! Wanna come over to my house?" Shoyo eagerly asked, coming up to the raven haired boy who was busy changing his clothes in the club room.

The team that was also changing in there already knew the answer to that question. I mean, of course Kageyama would say yes, right?

"Uh, sorry, I can't. I promised to go and study with Akira." Tobio shut down the shorter boy's request, bringing up that haunting name (at least to Shoyo). But, the rest of the team didn't know who she was so, the orange haired boy just had to shrug it off. Though, there was one teammate that had an inkling on who this 'Akira' girl was.

"Oh, okay, that's fine!" Shoyo responded, smiling, "Daichi, I'll lock up tonight." He offered, holding out his palms so that the captain could drop the club room keys in his hands.

"Okay, see you all tomorrow!"

The team filed out of the room, leaving just on boy to be left alone. Hinata cleaned up the mess in the club room, feeling an abundant amount of jealousy and annoyance rise up inside of him. As he placed something on the shelf, he did it a bit too harshly and everything tumbled off of the shelf.

Tears of frustration spilled out of him, as it mixed with Kageyama meeting with that girl, and the fact that he had to pick all of this up.

"Such a big crybaby." An annoying voice that made Shoyo want to cry even more popped up form the doorway of the club room. It belonged to none other than Tsukishima. "Don't tell me it's about the King again?" He scoffed, expecting some kind of reaction out of the shorter boy.

Except, he only got silence. Followed by a reaction that Tsukishima didn't want to deal with.

"WAAAAHHH! WHY DOES HE KEEP CHOOSING HER OVER ME?!" Hinata sobbed, bursting into more tears than he already had. His crying was like an alarm blaring into Kei's ears, and it was highly annoying. "WHY DOESN'T HE LIKE ME???" He continued to cry, having a vein pop out in Tsukishima's forehead even though he caused this.

"Maybe it's because you're so damn whiney. Shut up." Kei sneered, looming over the shorter boy who was sitting on his knees on the ground.

Though, Hinata just looked up at him with such a sad expression, that it actually caused him to feel it. Just like when the orange haired boy was happy at matches, and made everyone feel that joy. Only this time, Tsukishima could feel the dread.

"Is that really why he doesn't like me back?" Shoyo sniffled, wiping the tears away with his wrists. He quietly picked up all the clutter on the ground, and stacked it back on the shelf. "I'll shut up if it means he'll like me back." Desperation was looming in his voice.

It was kind of strange seeing how much distress Hinata was in.

"Jesus, maybe he just doesn't have romantic feelings towards you." Kei sighed, for some reason wanting to get the shorter boy out of this annoying slump. "It's not always the person's fault that their crush doesn't like them back."

"I don't care about that! How do I make him like me back?" Shoyo desperately asked, somehow thinking that Tsukishima had the answer to that question.

Though, Kei was already dealing with his own love life issues, that he didn't even have the answer to that question. But, he didn't really think that desperation suited Hinata so, he had a slight idea on what to do. Part of it was for his own entertainment too.

"Hm... wanna make him jealous?" Tsukishima asked, leaning down, and getting his face close to Shoyo's. So close that their lips were practically inches away.

"W- wait! What are you doing?!" Shoyo uncomfortably stammered, backing away. It was almost like Kei was leaning in for a kiss. "I-I already like so-someone!"

"Chill out, I like someone else, too. I'm just proposing this to make the King jealous." Kei scoffed, suddenly backing away from the shorter boy also. But, Hinata had a very befuddled look smacked on his face. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"How would this make him jealous? Didn't we just go over that he didn't like me back?" Shoyo grumpily asked, sitting back up on his knees.

'What a fucking moron.' The blonde boy thought to himself but, he didn't feel like it was really his place to tell him that Kageyama had an obvious crush on him back. "Just trust me, it'll work. Go along with everything, and your acting better be good." He snapped, getting up, and walking out of the clubroom.

"Wait wha-"


Tsukishima: You'll be dating me for the time being.


Back to the present:

"You know he'll be following us in that ridiculous disguise of his, right?" Tsukishima snickered, already feeling like a pair of bore into the back of his head. "So, you know what that means?"

"We have to go on an actual date?" Hinata grumbled, really not wanting to.


They both decided on a place to have their, "date". In the end, they chose to go down to the cafe down the street from their school. And Tsukishima's intuition was right. Kageyama was in the disguise he wore to sneak into Aoba Johsai, following behind the "couple".

'Huh, this should be fun.' Kei thought to himself.

to be continued...

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