2: a promise!

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"Here! Give it here, Kageyama!" Shoyo shouted, claiming the set that was soon to be put up from the taller boy. They were currently practicing in their school's gym like they usually do after school. But, the end of practice was coming to a close so, the two boys and the rest of the team was just getting the last of their reps in.

"Alright! Practice is over, clean it up." Coach Ukai eyed the clock, seeing that it was almost nearing 9 o'clock at night. Their practices usually ran up until this long, resulting in some pretty tired players.

All of the Karasuno players nodded, starting to take the net down and putting the volleyballs back into the ball racks. After that was finished, they packed up all of their things, and headed to the club room to change out of their sweaty clothes.

"Eugh, so sticky." Hinata grumbled, pulling his sweaty shirt over his head. He was changing next to Kageyama who eyed the smaller boy's thinner body.

"You eat so much, yet you're so scrawny." Tobio scoffed, poking at the side of the orange haired boy's ribs. He wasn't wrong, Shoyo was pretty thin, or thinner than the average athlete. But, from all of the workouts for volleyball, he's gain some muscle from when he started. His arm, and back muscles were a bit more toned, and his ab lines were more visible too.

"I'm not 'scrawny', Kageyama!" Hinata argued, throwing up air quotes when he said the word, scrawny. "Do you not see my muscles! I've been working extremely hard!" He flexed, shoving his arm into the taller boy's face.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, tree branch." Tobio snickered, pushing the orange haired boy's arms out of his face. Hinata just frowned, throwing his fresh shirt over his head, and changing everything else. After he, and everyone else changed their clothes, they locked up and decided to head on home.

"CAPTAIN'S TREATING US TO MEAT BUNS, EVERYONE!" Tanaka suddenly, and loudy announced while the team was walking back home. Daichi in fact, did not agree to that. But like every time, he still agreed to buy the meat buns for the team.

"Here Kageyama! Have a meat bun." Hinata walked over to the taller boy with a brown bag in hand. He rummaged through it, shoving a white meat bun into Kageyama's mouth. "They're extra good today!" He happily exhaled, chomping down on the bread in his hands.

"Oi, you don't go shoving food into people's mouths. Where's your manners?" Tobio chastised the shorter boy, bonking him over the head with his fist.

"Ouch, sorry!" Shoyo frowned, rubbing the area where Tobio hit. "My hands were clean though." He saltily muttered to himself, looking in the other direction while he continued to eat his meat bun. The raven haired boy overheard, but just continued to eat his bread too. Then, he remembered something very dreadful.

"Hey, hey, Hinata." Kageyama bent down, poking at the shorter boy. It looked like he was desperate to ask something urgent.

"Hm? What is it, and stop poking me." Hinata asked, furrowing his eyebrows. He was still eating his food while waiting on whatever Kageyama had to ask. "Hold my bike please." He passed the handlebars randomly into the taller boy's hands. It was quite hard to eat and drag his bike home.

"Erm, you mind if I come over?" The taller boy reluctantly muttered. "You seem to be doing well in our Greek mythology class, and we have an exam coming up soon. And, I don't really understand any of it so, can you he-hel-help me st-study?" He stubbornly spat out, feeling annoyed that he had to ask someone probably stupider than him for help. The stupider person being Hinata at that.

"Eh? Why do you sound so reluctant?" Shoyo cockily smirked, just irking the raven haired boy even more. "But, it'd be totally boring if you were to miss out on all the summer volleyball things. Plus, I won't have my setter there for our crazy quick attacks so, yeah I'll help you!" He gave Kageyama a big thumbs up.

"Oh, thanks." Tobio was surprised. Yeah sure, Shoyo was nice and all but, he didn't expect him to agree so easily. And wait... 'my setter?'

It was probably just a simple coincidence of messed up words but, it lingered. Just until it faded, and when both boys arrived at the Hinata household.

"My mom's not home because she's at a parent meeting for Natsu's Little's Volleyball League." Hinata informed, slipping his shoes off at the entrance of the doorway. Kageyama too. "Er, I dunno how to make tea but, there's water in the fridge. And I'm assuming you're not hungry because of the meat buns we ate on the way here."

"Yeah, I'm good. Let's just go to your room because it's late, and there's not much time to study." Tobio sighed, heading up since he already knew where the shorter boy's room was. From the countless times he's been here.

"Sorry, it's kind of messy but, go in." Hinata clicked open his wooden door, revealing a room that was not 'kind of' messy.

"Hinata. What the hell, do you ever clean your room?" Kageyama scrunched his face up in disgust, seeing the messy bed sheets, crumpled balls of paper on the ground, empty water bottles, and a bunch of other trash.

"I-I didn't have time! STOP MAKING FUN OF ME!" Shoyo shouted, harshly flopping onto the ground to where his table was. Tobio just rolled his eyes, sitting down across of him.

Half an hour pass...

"I can't do this anymore. It's too much, I'm just gonna take summer school and be the idiot I am." Kageyama despairingly sighed, totally giving up. Honestly, it sounded like he was giving up on life. Such a drama queen. "Hinata, Suga can set for you during the volleyball things." He flopped his head down onto the desk, pressing his cheek against the wood. "You can stop trying to make all of this bologna make sense to me."

"Gee Kageyama, maybe you should've signed up for the drama club instead of volleyball." Shoyo grumbled, also laying his cheek down onto the desk so that he was eye to eye with the taller boy.

"You little-" He was about to go off because of that comment, until he felt a small palm ruffle through his hair.

"Stop being so stubborn. I already told you I was going to help you study." Hinata frowned, being a bit disappointed on how easily Tobio could give up. "I'll stay by your side, and help you out whenever you need, because we're partners!" He gave the taller boy his dopy, and bright smile.

"Eh? What kind of cheesy saying is that?"

"Not a saying, a promise!"

to be continued...

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