10: fight or flight

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"Hu-Huh? Why are you telling me this?" Kageyama cautiously asked, releasing his hands from the shorter boy's face. It wasn't an unusual reaction, and it was actually the reaction Hinata expected. "What do you mea-"

"It's gross, isn't it?!" Shoyo shouted, dropping his head down low so that Kageyama couldn't meet his eyes anymore. Both of them could be as loud as they wanted since no one else was around. "It's disgusting that I like the same sex, right?" Frustrated tears formed in the corners of his eyes.

"Wait, what- that's not wh-"

"Agh! Why couldn't I like girls like a normal person?!" Hinata flipped, practically going hysterical. The overwhelmingness he felt was astronomical. "You still want to be friends with me, don't you?!" He fearfully asked, his voice almost cracking. He figured that Kageyama wouldn't want to be around a homo. It was a natural thought, and a natural fear. "Do you hate me now?"

That last sentence sparked some sort of frustration within Tobio.

He grabbed Hinata by his face, but with more aggression this time, "listen! There's many other better reasons for me to start hating you! I don't care that you're gay! You love whoever makes you comfortable!" He chastised, almost feeling hurt that the shorter boy would think that something as little as this would make him not want to be friends anymore. "You think I'd break off our friendship just because you like guys?!" He boomed, yelling at Shoyo.

"But, Kageyama..."

"No, no more of your stupid excuses!-"

"BUT KAGEYAMA, I'M NOT GAY!" Shoyo shouted, making Kageyama go dead silent.


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT?! YOU JUST SAID YOU LIKED GUYS!" Tobio infuriatingly shouted, grabbing Hinata by the collar and shaking him very harshly. "MAKE UP YOUR MIND!"

"I don't like all guys! Just one of them... AGHHH! I DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY THAT!" Shoyo panicked, accidently letting his secret slip through his lips. He was rambling so much that it practically came out by itself. "Ahah! Forget about that last part!" He pleaded, having spirals form in his pools of brown eyes.

"YOU LIKE SOMEONE, AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?!" Tobio yelled, just becoming more shocked as this conversation went on. Hinata's fight or flight instinct kicked in, as he got up and just ran with his arms flailing in the air. "WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING?! SPILL!" Kageyama got up, sprinting after the shorter boy.

They ran and ran, passing by many bystanders who were just shocked on how fast these two boys could run.

"Do you think that poor boy is in danger?" A woman asked, seeing what she saw in front of her. Well, there was a scary, tall boy chasing after a teary, short boy. What else was she supposed to assume?

"Dear, that's none of our business. Let's go." Her husband whispered, grabbing her and their child.

Somehow, the two boys ended up down at the beach. At one point in their run, Kageyama followed Hinata down a flight of stairs that led them to the sandy beach. The shorter boy ended up tripping on a some sand, falling flat on his face.

"Pffat!" Shoyo spat out the sand he got in his mouth. Honestly, he JUST realized that he was running away from Kageyama. It was like his feet had a mind of its own.

"Hinata...huff...stop running...huff." Kageyama finally caught up to Shoyo after running after him like a headless chicken. He knew that the shorter boy was fast but, this was a whole nother thing. "Next time you run, I'm not chasing you around the whole creation!" He huffed, panting and heaving.

Even then, Hinata already gave up on running away. There was no use if all Kageyama was gonna do is chase right after him.

"Jeez, you really are something else." Kageyama muttered, flopping back onto the sand. At this point, they've been running for a while that the clouds had covered the sun. "You need to stop running away."

Hinata turned his head, crawling over to where Kageyama was. He also flopped back down onto the sand. "Yeah, I know." He sighed, absolutely spent.

"I wanna know who your crush is though." Kageyama blurted, turning his head so that he could meet Shoyo's eyes. Though, the shorter boy just turned red with a pouty look smacked on his face. 'What kind of boy would he like?' He asked himself, examining Hinata. He felt something. It was that weird, tight feeling in his chest again.

"Mmm, I don't feel like telling you." Hinata blurted, totally shutting down Tobio's question.

"Why not?!"

"Because, you'll make fun of me you big bully!" Shoyo grumbled, still not letting another secret slip through those loose lips. "Anyways, you wouldn't care anyways since you don't even know him." He 'hmphed' totally lying through his teeth.

"Commmeee onnnn, just give me a hint." Tobio pleaded, now super interested in knowing who. It was so obvious when Hinata lied to him.

"Mmmmmmmm, he's tall, pretty good looking and athletic. THAT'S ALL I'M GONNA SAY." Shoyo quickly blurted out those three hints, kinda feeling like he gave off too much information. But, Kageyama didn't find those hints as enough information.

"Come on, of course you'll think your crush is attractive. Everyone's tall compared to you, so athletic is the only semi-real hint in there." Kageyama grouched, pushing and prying for more information.

"Well, since we're talking about crushes, is there anyone you like, Kageyama?" Hinata awkwardly asked, totally averting the conversation into a different direction. And like the total idiot he was, the taller boy ended up also changing the direction of the conversation to that.

Though, there was a pretty long silence in between.

"...Yeah, I do." Kageyama muttered, his face getting a bit red out of embarrassment. Honestly, Hinata didn't actually expect him to have one.

"What?! Tell me, tell me!" Shoyo excitedly begged, jolting up so that he was sitting instead of laying down. He looked down at the raven haired boy with eyes that said, 'JUST FUCKING TELL ME ALREADY!' Strangely, Kageyama was willing to give him hints about who it was.

"Well, they have a pretty cheerful personality, athletic, and c-cute." He spat the last word out pretty reluctantly. His face was a crimson red, extremely embarrassed with what he was saying.

Wait that description... it couldn't be.

'Could it be, me?'

to be continued...

AN: fawking shit #girlboss

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