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Hours passed, as the sun that slowly rose finally reached its peak height. When the team finally arrived in Matsumoto, it was already around 2 in the afternoon. They gratefully thanked the bus driver while getting off, and they all needed a good stretch once their feet hit in sandy pavement.

"This is my grandfather's beach house. The rooms are big enough to fit two people, as there are two beds and a bathroom." Koushi informed to the dazey teenagers that hopped off the bus. "All I ask is for you guys to respect the house and keep it clean, which I'm sure you all will." He smiled.

"Yeah of course we will, Suga-san!" The whole team reassured him, but he didn't need much of that. Yes, they were wild and almost always chaotic but, they were respectful when it was necessary.

"Thanks, now you can all head in."

They did as they were told, and they walked into one of the most well-kept, and freshest beach houses they've ever stepped foot in (with the exception of those who's never been to any beach house). Photos of Sugawara's family, and friends were hung up, and sat down in picture frames on shelves. The walls were painted with an eggshell white, while the floors were planks painted a light grey.

Since they walked into the living room, couches and a coffee table was set up also. Besides the family and friends photos, a picture of the ocean was also hung up. Typical for a beach house though.

The pairings for the beach house was practically the same as the seating partners on the bus, (except Ryuu and Yuu.) Nishinoya is rooming with Asahi since Sugawara didn't trust him and Tanaka to sleep QUIETLY in a room together. So that meant, Tsukishima with Yamaguchi, Ennoshita with Tanaka, Daichi with Koushi, Narita with Kinnoshita, Yachi with Kiyoko, and of course Kageyama with Hinata.

Kageyama and Hinata's room was a very spacious one. Of course there were the two beds, which were lined with white sheets, a comforter and a smaller mint colored blanket. The pillows cases were that same mint color, and there was also extra throw pillows with a mermaid and a seashell on it.

The walls were spaced out planks that were painted a light blue, russet colored wooden floors, and a white carpet right smack dab in the middle of their room. There were more little decorations but the only things I'll mention is the big fish on their wall.

"Wow look! We even have a sliding door!" Hinata's eyes shimmered with excitement, as he trotted his way over to the glass sliding door.

When he slid it open, the smell of that salty air hit him like a truck. He could also hear the cries of the seagulls that soared throughout the skies. There was a wood flooring for them to step outside but, the door was practically another way out of their room. Only except it led to the beach.

"We should lock it at night or else someone will come and take you, or something." Tobio snickered, seeing how easy it would be to actually kidnap someone with a open door like that.

"Well good thing I'll be taking this bed!" Hinata declared, flipping himself onto the cozy bed that was farthest away from the window. "So, if they wanna take me, they'll have to go through you first! And you have a scary face so, they wouldn't mess with you." He giggled, just pushing on Kageyama's buttons as much as he could.

"You're so small let me just..." Kageyama walked closer to the orange haired boy, picking him up like it was nothing. Hinata flailed his body, knowing that the taller one would lock him out.


Both boys looked at each other, most likely wondering who was at the door. "I'll get it." Kageyama said, dropping the shorter boy right onto the wooden floors. No warnings so, he landed flat on his ass.

"Oh wow! Looks like we're roombors! (room neighbors)" Nishinoya beamed, seeing Tobio answer the door, and Shoyo sitting on the ground.

"Cool, you're rooming with Asahi-san, right?"


"Well, is there something you needed?" Kageyama asked, now just realizing that Nishinoya popped up in front of their room for no clear reason.

"Yeah! Daichi and Suga-san said that we were going out to the beach so, if you guys want, come with!" He enthusiastically offered, leaving after he said what he had to say. Only because he had to change still.

"Wanna go?" Hinata asked a pretty obvious question.


So, both boys grabbed out their swim trunks, going off into the bathroom to change. But... "uh, I think there's a problem." Hinata mumbled, jiggling the door knob to the bathroom. For some reason, it was locked.

"You're too weak, outta the way." Kageyama huffed, lightly shoving the shorter boy away. He twisted the door knob and sure enough, it was locked.

"Too weak, huh?" Shoyo mocked.

"Shut it."

Well, as the room was spacious, there was no where to exactly change. Well that is, without them changing in front of each other of course. So, they had to compromise if they wanted to go out and have fun.

"You better not look!" Shoyo demanded, using his pointer finger to point out at Kageyama. Of course, he was planning to just have the taller boy turn around while they changed. Now now, I know what you're ALLLLL probably saying. But, they had to take off their underwear since who the hell wears swim suits with their underwear on? (AN: no shame if u do 😋‼️)

"I'm not a pervert you weirdo. YOU better not look." He retorted back, facing his back towards the shorter boy.

The sound of clothes rustling was pretty awkward. Only because the sound was literal proof that they were changing butt-naked in front of each other. Even though they were best friends, it was still pretty weird.

"Okay, I'm done, let's go!" Shoyo finished quicker than the taller boy, turning around by accident.

"YOU MORON, I'M NOT SO DON'T TURN AROUND!" Kageyama yelled, blushing and covering his bits while Hinata quickly spun back around. So quick that there were practically spirals in his eyes.

It was a good (maybe) thing he didn't see any of that.

to be continued...

AN: With the power of writing, anything is possible![insert spongebob with his rainbow hands]

AN: With the power of writing, anything is possible![insert spongebob with his rainbow hands]

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