11: shelled bracelets

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After that enlightening, and a bit strange conversation, a few days has already passed. It still was quite a shock to Hinata that the raven haired boy wasn't disgusted by him or anything. But even more than shock, he was relieved.

But past all of that, today was named a free day by Sugawara. Meaning that the whole team was free to roam around in groups, or venture off own their own. So, Kageyama and Hinata decided to go and visit the pier's boardwalk since there was a bunch of shops and eating places there.

"If you can't hear me open your ears!" Hinata shouted to the boy desperately trying to keep up with him. Kageyama was tired, and didn't feel like walking.

"They're open enough, why don't you open your mouth a little more!" Tobio retorted, not being able to hear whatever the shorter boy was talking about for the past 10 minutes.

"If I open it any wider, something will fly in!"

"YEAH, IT'LL BE MY FISTS SOON ENOUGH IF YOU DON'T START TALKING WHERE I CAN ACTUALLY HEAR YOU!" Kageyama finally lost the little cool he had left in his body, going to start running after the orange haired boy. "Now, what'd you even want to do here?" He asked, catching up to Shoyo.

"Here, come with me!" Hinata guided, taking him by the wrists to drag him off into a store.

When they entered, they were at some kind of bracelet shop. "Oi, are you planning to buy bracelets? What are we doing in here?" Kageyama questioned, seeing a bunch of girls lay their gazes onto him and Shoyo. But, Hinata was chatting it up with one of the girls at the counter. 'The hell is he doing now?'

Around 10 minutes passed, and Kageyama was starting to grow impatient while waiting for Sho to finish whatever was taking him so long. He was about to go up to the orange haired boy to drag him away but, he finished before Tobio could.

"Kageyama, look!" Shoyo eagerly exclaimed, holding up two bracelets with seashells and the numbers, 10 and 9 on them. The shells were from when they collected them in that secret beach cave.

Stares were given from the people inside of the store.

"...And what are those for?" Tobio asked, acting totally oblivious. The numbers, 9 and 10 obviously stood for their volleyball numbers.

"I thought it'd be fun for us to have matching bracelets! Since were partners and all!" Hinata cluelessly smiled, not knowing what his words sounded like. It sounded like the two boys were in a relationship with each other. Was that Shoyo's goal?

Too many stares were given so, Kageyama pulled the shorter boy outside since he already payed.

"Don't you think it's a bit unnecessary?" He asked in a serious tone, but Sho could feel his chest drop a little with that comment. And it was written all over his face. 'Crap, he's giving that stupid pouty look again.' Kageyama gritted his teeth, looking at the boy who looked sad.

"Ah, right. Sorry, I got so excited that I totally forgot to ask you if you wanted to get bracelets." Hinata despondently apologized, putting the bracelets in his pockets.

But, Kageyama felt a tinge of guilt strike inside of him.

"Gah, give it here." Kageyama sighed, holding out his palm for Shoyo to put the bracelet in. His face lit up like a Christmas tree as he rummaged through his pockets, putting the shelled bracelet on top of the taller boy's palm. Tobio slipped it on, and adjusted it around his wrists. Though, Hinata looked like he was struggling a bit.

'Why isn't this thing-'

"It's concerning that you can't do simple things like tying a bracelet." Kageyama scoffed, reaching out to help the shorter boy tie the bracelet. It had to be adjusted quite a bit since his wrist was so slimmer than the taller boy's.

"Oh...thanks, Kageyama." Shoyo looked down at the bracelet in a daze, having his cheeks turn a tint of pink. Even if he didn't before, Tobio definitely realized it today.

"Err Hinata, can I ask you something...?" Kageyama awkwardly muttered.

"Yeah, sure-!"


Before they could get to the topic Kageyama wanted to talk about, someone bumped into him from behind. He turned around to see two girls, and one with a smooshed ice cream. That could only really mean one thing.

"AHHHH, I'm so sorry!" She panicked, attempting to wipe away the ice cream residue on Kageyama's shirt.

"Uh, it's fine." Kageyama mumbled, feeling the coldness from the ice cream seep through his shirt. But when the girl finally looked up, a shocking revelation arose. "Wait..."


Seems like these two knew each other.

to be continued...

AN: idk what the last note was about. i don't proofread but i just realized that was there while i reread it after i published it. sorry 😋

plus, this is the first time the art for my stories is actually made by me ;) i know it's a bit shitty but, it's for visuals

by the way, that argument that went on between Kageyama and Hinata ("if i open it any wider, something will fly in!" blah blah) actually came from a pokemon episode. season 6, ep 9 i'm pretty sure. stan meowth and james (and jessie).

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