12: jealousy's a disease

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'...First name basis, huh?' Hinata thought to himself, attempting to peek around to see who Kageyama was talking to. But when he did, a slight hint of jealousy struck in his chest. The girl in front of him looked unreal. Her long locks of auburn hair ran down her back, and flowed in the same direction of the wind. Her ocean blue eyes shimmered under the bright sun while she gazed up at the taller boy.

Somehow, she looked like she came out of those fairytales.

What felt worst was that Kageyama looked delighted while talking to her.

He was... smiling?

"Wow, I never thought I'd run into you here, Tobio!" She beamed with excitement, gleaming up at the raven haired boy. She, and him totally forgot about the melted ice cream that was dripping down her hand, and the smooshed ice cream that was seeped through his clothing. "It's been a while, hasn't it?" She chuckled.

"Yeah, what's it been? A year?" Kageyama responded, since he was super familiar with this pretty girl in front of him.

Back at Kitagawa Daiichi, these two were actually best friends. Actually, she was pretty much his only friend since he still had that terrible attitude even outside of volleyball. Akira was the only one who understood why he acted how he was and that gave comfort to the younger boy.

And maybe along the way, feelings grew between the two, but, they broke off their relationship after Kageyama decided to go to Karasuno, while she decided to go to Seijoh.

"You look great." Akira smiled, having a splotch of blush spread across of her face. That caused Tobio to blush also, only making Hinata even more annoyed.

"Thanks, so do you...?" Kageyama was complimenting her back, until he felt a slight tug at the edge of his shirt. "I'm kind of in a conversation, what is it?" He asked the shorter boy who was currently looking down at his feet with his grip on the taller boy's shirt.

"Oh? Who's that?" She asked, peeking around Kageyama to see the orange haired boy standing there. She didn't see him before since well... he was short. But, Hinata didn't say anything.

"Oi, say something, don't be rude." Kageyama's harsh words snapped Shoyo out of his jealous daze, as he let go of the taller boy's shirt.

"Hi, I'm Shoyo Hinata! I'm volleyball partners with Kageyama." Hinata slapped on his usual smile, holding out his hand to shake with Akira. She also smiled, taking it, and introducing herself as, Akira Hitaki. "Uh... Kageyama, can we get going? Let's go get ice cream." He said, impatiently, wanting to go already.

"Um yeah, sure." Kageyama agreed pretty easily, "it was nice seeing you again, Akira. My number hasn't changed so, if you want to stay in contact, we definitely should."

After that, he and the shorter boy turned around and left but, Shoyo gave one more glance back before going off into the distance.

Shit, jealousy really is a disease.

'Wow, he really has changed, hasn't he?' Akira thought, having her cheeks turn more pink than they naturally were.


"Stop daydreaming, your ice cream is melting." Kageyama chastised, seeing the pink ice cream drip down the dazed boy's hand. Hinata was still thinking about how there could be someone who knew Tobio better than him. even though he only met him back at the junior high match. "What are you even thinking about so hard, anyways?" He questioned.

"Hey, are you and that girl like...together?" Shoyo asked, having his jealousy seep out of him. He couldn't stop it from bubbling over either.

"What? No, she's just a friend from my middle school." Kageyama quickly denied but, it wasn't believable. Just like the taller boy could, Hinata spent enough time with him to know when he was lying. "Don't give me that look." He said, practically seeing the bullshit written all over Shoyo's face.

But, an unsatisfied look appeared over the bullshit one.

Kageyama noticed it and said, "why do you sound...jealous?" All he needed was a tad bit of hinting, and Shoyo's tone gave it all away. "Why would you be jealous? I thought you were into guys." A slight revelation revealed that this idiot thought Hinata was jealous because he took an interest in Akira.

"...I am? Didn't we just go over this?"

"Then why are you sulking?"

Sometimes, it was hard to believe how oblivious Kageyama could really be. Most of the time, Shoyo actually thought the taller boy was just playing stupid but, nope. Turns out he's just a really big idiot.

"I'm not sulking!" Hinata assured, but not in a very reassuring tone. "Let's just go and do more stuff!" He went back to his cheerful self, gobbling down the rest of his melted ice cream and dragging Kageyama off to whoever they were headed next.

They spent the rest of the day together, going to shops, eating in cafes, and overall just doing whatever the hell they wanted to do.

They were so distracted by how much fun they were having that the time had already passed, and the sun had already set.

"Hey, there was one more thing I wanted to do!" Hinata excitedly exclaimed. When Kageyama asked him what it was, he pointed to the ferris wheel at the beach's boardwalk.

When they got there, Hinata's happiness levels dropped all the way to his toes.

"Wow! It must be fate that we keep running into each other, huh Tobio?" Akira smiled, standing in the ferris wheel line with her friend that was with her previously.

'Great, you've gotta be fucking with me.'

to be continued...

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