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I found a nice joke!
I'm still laughing 😂😂😂😂

Guess what? 😂

Someone said that Earth is flat because that's all what "they" can see 😉

Another joke! If you smile once, i will tell ya so smile! 🙂

Here's it: (made by me)

A teacher asked a student what is the third law of newton?

The student said "Ma'am it's when i said i love you to my crush and she told me i love you too"

The teacher was astonished with this and she asked him "That's great. So would you honour us by letting me give a beautiful example of the law by doing a demonstration with you? Btw would you be happy if today was a holiday in school"

The student agreed happily.

She told him "the third law is when you are happy to have a holiday and I'm willing to punish you by making you go stand outside the class"

And with this the boy was made to stand outside the class having a holiday from her class while the students enjoyed the funny session 😂

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