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My parents are the best!

They care so much that they insult me on every aspect and never praise me for my good aspects
They compare me with worst ones to show I'm worse than em
They shower me with their anger and stress from other reasons
They claim themselves as best and I'm the worst
For them caring means to beat and abuse me
For them caring means to not let me be what I'm
For them caring means to not lemme do anything i want
For them caring means to make me cry in a corner and see from a distance and laugh or ignore
For them caring means to hurt me so much that i can't feel hurt anymore
They know me so much that they never really can tell what i like what i don't
They are so good that they force me to do what i don't like, they force me to be a perfect son which i can't be
They're so good that if I'm sad, they just go away from me and remind me of untouchability
They're so good that if I'm hurt or angry, they say some ghost had entered me and so they beat or hurt me to get that ghost out of me. There's no ghost, but it's my broken soul which their little brains won't see
They're so amazing that they say I don't deserve them
They are amazing as they give me food water shelter, but leave me without a bit of joy, peace or love.
They are so hardworking, they say i don't have the right to be sad while they're struggling unlike me
They are so understanding that they know i shouldn't exist in this world
They are so good that all they can see in me is "bad
And when i will be gone, they will claim that some evil ghost killed me

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