Chapter 19

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Ch: Quidditch

"professor McGonagall you do not understand" Ginny rushed after her trying to tell her what happened " I was just trying to help my friend, Colin creevey he was just rushed to the hospital wing Noelle grabbed his-" McGonagall interrupted her "I've seen all I wanted to see" and walked even faster if it was humanly possible

Before she could make things worse Ginny silently followed McGonagall. She knocked on the DADA classroom and called for some wood. Ginny was even more confused than before. What does wood have to do with... anything?

Still pondering she barely noticed when someone joined them. She looked up and saw McGonagall talking to the person who entered silently. When she was finished the person looked at her like she was made of a million galleons. Without another word McGonagall went back to her office leaving Ginny with a company of a stranger who was beaming at her. "Hello there I'm wood, Oliver wood" He introduced himself. Relived that Oliver was a somebody and not a something Ginny introduced herself somewhat nervously "hi. I'm Ginny Weasley"

Oliver's eyes widened "you mean THE Ginny Weasley?". Honestly Ginny didn't know why she didn't expect this "yes?" she answered as a question. "oh merlin! your brothers? the greatest quidditch players ever I'm SO sure you inherited their talent" Oliver told her his eyes wide as saucers.  "yay me?" Ginny shifted awkwardly. nodding like he ate all the sugar in the world Oliver replied "yes YAY YOU!"


At the quidditch pitch

Ginny was now clear with everything related to quidditch.  She made a mental note to go to the library later and gain more knowledge about these quidditch teams. Oliver had even made her do a few practice laps around the pitch. Then he'd thrown a few magically floating tennis balls around and Ginny had been almost able to secure all of them before they went through the hoops. Oliver seemed a bit less hyper now, that was probably for the better. She honestly couldn't wait to inform all of her friends about what happened today.

Very short ikik I'm trying to get back in the sink and all that also my writings really rusty rn also I'm prettu sure the chapter has a bit too many typos so- also positive reviews will really help me to continue ok byee

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