Ch: 15

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Ch: Potions

Ginny was already running late to her potions class, Harry had given her a quick note about who takes which class

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Ginny was already running late to her potions class, Harry had given her a quick note about who takes which class. She kept repeating it in her head.

McGonagall transfiguration
Mrs. Smith potions
Snape DADA

And so on..

"Ms weasley" Said a colds as ice voice Ginny turned around to find a aldy with brown curly hair blue eyes and was wearing a maroon cloak. "What are you doing standing on the door you are making my class late! Sit down right now" She said pointing to a seat next to Rose who was looking very scared "Remember weasley, you might be treated as a queen in all the other classes, but not in this one" Mrs. Smith continued as Ginny heard a sneer.

As she walked to her seat beside Rose she looked at the source of the sneer, it was a girl with grey eyes blonde hair and the Slytherin snake blazing across it.

"Malfoy's sister" Rose whispered who's eyes were following Ginny's "Her name is, noelle "

Ginny looked at Noelle curiously.

"Miss Weasley! Where is your attention, 2 points from gryffindor" Miss Smith's voice boomed through the classroom

Ginny felt a dropping in her stomach. 2 points on her first day every gryffindor looked her (except Rose and Hermione) And every Slytherin started laughing.

"Enough! Now pay attention"Mrs. Smith said looked at all the Slytherin ,who immediately quitened up.


"Hey gin"Harry said quickening his pace to keep up with Ginny. "So, how was your first day" Harry looking as if he knew what was the answer

"Horrible" Ginny simply said.

"I was expecting that - but why?" Harry questioned.

"Two points got off gryffindor today!" Ginny said in frustration. Harry looked at her as if she had grown two heads then burst out laughing. What was he laughing at? This was no laughing matter.

"Gin those are only 2 points once you come in your second year you will loose atleast 50 points a day." He said hugging her. Well that did make her feel better.

"Okay, so I guess its totally normal?" Ginny said looking at him

"It is" Harry said nodding "So what's your next class?"

"Defence against the dark arts" Ginny said looking at her time table.

"Yikes, today is not your lucky day" Harry said "but that's okay, I wish you good luck" Harry said kissing her cheek. Warmth filled her body.


Ginny this time went 5 minutes early to this class but apparently the teacher was atleast 15 minutes late.

"Hello! And welcome to your first defence against the dark arts" A voice boomed scaring all the students "I'm your professor gilderoy Lockhart" Ginny knew that name as she had seen her aunt swoon over this person atleast a thousand times.

"Ah Ms. Weasley I have been looking forward to seeing you" Lockhart said coming towards Ginny, Ginny gave him a forced smile and said "it's my pleasure" as her aunt has always told her

"Look ladies and gentlemen not only is she popular she is also a kind woman good job" He announced, Ginny thought he was rather..... Dramatic.

"Today we are going to know about Pixies" Lockhart announced and removed a satin cloth from a cage filled with Pixies.

Oh no


After the 'pixies fiasco' as ginny and the girls called it they attended all the classes tired.

"Hey gin!" Harry said jumping towards her "Woah there, you look sadder then moaning myrtle"

"Well you try to pick up Pixies while they try to bite you for atleast half an hour" Ginny said rolling her eyes

"Let's get you something eh?" Harry said taking out a map which was all blank, what was that gonna do.

"I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good" He muttered under his breath and writing came all over the page

Messrs Mooney, wormtail, padfoot and prongs will welcome you to the mauraders map.

It was very creative.

"This is going to help us to look out for anyone" Harry said already walking

"Alright" Ginny muttered and followed him.

They walked and finally reached to ...... A portrait of a fruit basket?

"What kind of joke is this?" Ginny said to Harry glaring at him.

"Wait for it" Harry whispered back and tickled the pair who giggled and the door swinged open.

There were thousands of house elf roaming around to with food plates.

"Hello Hokey!" Harry said waving his hands at a house elf, who's eyes brightened at the sight of Harry and she skittled towards him.

"Meester 'otter! How greet (great)  to see you! Thee usual?" Hokey exclaimed

"No thanks hokey, today I have a guest" Harry said looking at Ginny

"Oh! Welcome Mizz- " hokey continued looking at Ginny expectantly.

"Weasley" Ginny helped.

"Welcome! Miss wheezy" Hokey greeted.

Ginny smiled kindly at the house elf

"Hokey, we will like a hot chocolate please" Harry said nodding at the house elf.

"Ofcourse Meester 'otter" hokey said skirting away.

"She sure is fond of you" Ginny said to Harry, smirking.

"What I am a kind boy" Harry said fixing a fake tie.

"Sure mama's boy" Ginny said ruffling his hair.

Soon the hot chocolate arrived and they enjoyed.


"Albus, the diary it's gone" Minevra said rushing to his table.

"But, we hid it in the darkest of corners" Albus said standing up. "Is there any trace where it could be?"

"Rose Potter"

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