The day before Hogwarts

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Mentions of murder and blood will start at ... And end at.... Skip to the dots

"Ginny! Ginny wake up we're going to Hogwarts tomorrow" Ginny woke up to the whining of Rose.

"Wassamatter" Ginny grumbled

"We're going to Hogwarts tomorrow!" Rose exclaimed

"Why don't you wake Harry up?" Ginny asked

"Well he had his excitement, it's his second year at Hogwarts, so I thought you would be excited" Rose said sounding hurt.

"So I'm just going to bath and brush and then we can pack our trunks" Ginny said hoping to make up to her

"Sure" rose said brightening up.

Ginny got up and went to get freshed up. She looked up at herself and tied her hair in a ponytail.

She skipped downstairs looking for Lilly, she didn't find her, but she found Sirius

"So, spitfire, excited for your first day for Hogwarts everyone's gonna know your name?" Sirius said wriggling his eyebrows.

Oh No, Ginny knew that everyone was going to know her name,she cringed at the thought of her fame.

"It's okay gin I'll protect you from your fame" Ginny heard the familiar voice of Harry, he hugged her from behind.

Sirius smirked and exited the room. Ginny turned around so she was hugging him back and closed her eyes.

They were both so lost in their little world that they didn't hear the belching noise little Rose made.

"Hey cut it off!" Rose yelled, finally they heard her and pulled apart, blushing.

"Comeon we need to get some breakfast" Ginny said

Ginny sat beside Harry and Harry sat beside Ginny

"So Harry have you been hearing from Neville nowadays?" James asked

"Yeah, we have been talking, sending letters to eachother" Harry said nodding

"Who's Neville" Ginny asked curiously

"He's our godson" Lilly said

"Oh.." Ginny never knew they had a godson.

"So excited for your first year" Harry asked

"Yes, but I'm also sorta nervous" Ginny said her stomach doing cartwheels.Harry squeezed her hand under the table and gave her a approving smile.

And they all ate breakfast in silence.

"Comeon gineee we gotta pack our trunks" Rose said after breakfast

"Okay, okay alright let's go" Ginny said standing up.

Ginny went to her room followed by Rose with her dresses in her hand

"Okay so let's pack" Ginny said helping Rose with her trunk and dresses.

Their trunks

They both packed their dresses with their wands and books in their trunk when Harry joined them

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They both packed their dresses with their wands and books in their trunk when Harry joined them.

He grinned at them and asked "so what are you doing?"

"Packing our trunks, what does it look like" Ginny said

"Wonder who our new dada teacher would be" Harry wondered aloud

"Oh, did the previous one resign" Ginny asked trying to close the trunk

"No, no dada teacher lasts more than a year" Harry said

"Rumour has it that the job's cursed"Rose whispered mysteriously

"What happened to the last dada teacher?" Ginny asked curiously

Harry's P.O.V

Oh no, Harry was dreading that question. He didn't want to ruin her experience for Hogwarts before she even went there.

He looked at Rose,helpless. Rose looked at him and stammered
"Oh, well- you see um.. there was a Hogwarts teacher he showed students, first years, photos of people of their age getting murdered, and a student a student who was scared easily started getting images of other children covered in blood and coming to murder him when Dumbeldore found that out he fired him"

Harry had to say he was impressed it was so different from the truth, the truth, he still shivered at the thought.

Professor Quirinus Quirrel, was a evil man who had come to find the girl-who-lived in Hogwarts, with Voldemort hiding in his turban. He started attacking random girls getting furious day by day warning students if they tell anyone the same can happen to their parents, oh all those poor girls at last when Dumbledore found out he killed him, well atleast tried to kill him.
"Harry! Harry! Earth to Harry" Harry heard Ginny say.

He stepped out of his trance and looked at Ginny to find her smiling at him.

"So dinner" Rose said.

Ginny and Harry looked outside and were surprised to see that it was already night.

"Lets go" Harry said, holding Ginny's hand

And surprised himself by kissing her cheek.

Lord knows what is in store for the poor girl this year Harry thought before going out with Ginny

Sorry for the short chapter

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