Shopping with the girls and the fashion show

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^^ I like thinking about this

Ginny's P.O.V

The last few days have been awesome, Sirius said that Ginny is much more cooler than Harry will ever be so now Ginny's calling Sirius padfoot (Harry was highly offended at that).

Ginny and Marlene had grown really close the past few days, and Marlene had promised her that she will take her shopping for buying some Hogwarts clothes today, Ginny is really excited this is the first time she will go shopping without aunt Muriel showing her off.

Ginny picked her best outfit which was white with black stripes


The farthest left

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The farthest left

And went downstairs. Rose squealed and clapped her hands "oh Ginny you look gorgeous"

"Thanks" Ginny said, she looked around Marlene and lilly were beaming, James and Sirius  were smirking at Harry whose mouth was hanging open.

Ginny smirked at Harry and said "I'll take that as a 'you look nice gin'"  when Harry nodded dumbly rose said
"Comeon Ginny we're gonna be late let's eat the breakfast fast!!"

They laughed and followed her.

________AFTER BREAKFAST________

Breakfast was delicious,after they were done eating Rose pushed, well tried to push, them out of the house.

"Comeon we gotta go!" Rose screeched

"Rose, the last time I saw us walking I remember we were able to walk by ourselves" Ginny said

Rose blushed and muttered a "sorry" Ginny smiled and held her hand

Lilly and Marlene held Ginny and Rose's hand as we apparated, soon they were standing in front of a muggle shopping place.

"Spoil yourselves girls!" Lilly said, and Marlene and Rose ran to different sides of the place

"Lilly how will I pay for all this? We didn't went to any muggle bank" Ginny asked

Lilly smiled and said "you're like my daughter Ginny,I'm sure I can pay for some dresses for you"

Ginny's eyes went wide "You sure" she asked

"Yes I'm sure, now go!" She said

Ginny grinned and went toward a corner of the shop.

She saw many dresses but they all were out of the range Ginny had set in her mind

Ginny soon found some dresses that were in budget and were pretty good

"Ginny dear are you done?" Said Lilly coming towards Ginny

"Yeah,see". Said Ginny taking her dresses out

"Oh no no, we are going to have a fashion show at home that's when we will all see our dresses"

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