Chapter 14

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Ch: into the dorms

"Now, I do not wish to hold you in any longer, so shoo shoo of to bed" Dumbledore said gesturing his hands as if flying away flies

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"Now, I do not wish to hold you in any longer, so shoo shoo of to bed" Dumbledore said gesturing his hands as if flying away flies

"Gryffindor's follow me please" Annabelle Smith, the prefect of gryffindor said.

They all followed her though the great halls though all the other students except first years knew their way.  But Harry and Neville stayed behind, to talk to them.

"Hello gin!" Harry said jumping next to her.

"Hello luna" Harry said nodding at her smiling.

She looked at Hermione and frowned, when Ginny remembered that him, Neville and Hermione had never had a introduction to each other.

"Harry, she's Hermione Hermione this is Harry" Ginny said looking at both of them.

Hermione gasped her eyes wide "Harry? As in Harry Potter, grandson of fleamont potter?"

Harry looked uncomfortable "Well yeah, but..."

"He doesn't like to talk about his fame he actually wants to have a real reputation and not always known as 'Fleamont Potter's grandson'" Cutted in Neville

"Ofcourse, ofcourse" Hermione said nodding but she didn't seem to understand.

"Excuse me,  are you following me?" They looked up to see Annabelle looking at them, apparently they had been following the wrong route

"Sorry" They all chorused and started following more attention

"this is the portrait hole we get in from here" He looked at all of them, they all nodded

"But how do we get in, there has to be some protections"Hermione asked curiously

"Yes, there's a password which the prefect tells us and we do not tell anyone" Annabelle said, she seemed happy with Hermione's curiosity

"Pig snout"Annabelle said as Ginny grimaced in disgust.

"That's the password" Ginny whispered to Harry

"Oh yes, it is last year it was 'caput draconis' " Harry whispered back

"Now you can go to bed or stay in the common room but don't stay up too late tomorrow class starts" Annabelle said clapping her hands and letting out a huge sigh

Ginny thought she was rather dramatic.

"Shall we sit in the common room for some time" Hermione asked

"Yes sure" Neville said and walked towards the couch (which looked very comfortable) but cringed when he saw Rose sitting near

"Why aren't you walking anymore c'mon" Ginny said pushing him as she walked

"Bu- but she is sitting right there" Neville whispered pointing towards Rose.

That caught Rose's attention as she looked towards them and waved.

Neville looked at Rose as if she has few two heads, but then started walking towards her as if waking towards a sleeping dragon.

"Hello" Rose said smiling at all of them.

"Hey rose, Neville is also here" Harry said emphasizing Neville's name

"Yeah, I noticed" rose said frowning at Harry

"What's happening " Hermione whispered to Hermione as Rose and Harry kept staring at each other

"Rose had a crush on Neville" Ginny whispered back

"And now she is not acting weird around Neville anymore?" Hermione asked

"Yes" Ginny hissed

"You want to sit here" Rose asked taking her eyes off Harry

"Yes, I was wondering if we could sit with you" Hermione said

"Sure" Rose said moving her books aside and making space for them to sit.

They all talked alot later then, and Neville every once in a while looked at Rose but then the strange look melted away and they talked like old friends.

"Oh no! It's 10 o' clock already! We should go to sleep" Hermione said jumping to her feet

They all grumbled in agreement and stood.

"Goo' night gin" Harry said hugging her.

"Good night Harry" Ginny said hugging back.

And so they went to sleep.


"Ginny! Wake up Ginny!" Hermione said shaking Ginny awake

"Wassa matta" Ginny grumbled

"The breakfast is about to start in half an hour get ready!" Hermione jumped

"Alright, alright" Ginny said drinking water

She soon got ready and walked down the dorm

"Finally! I thought you weren't going to wake up!" Harry, who seemed to be waiting for her exclaimed.

Neville was also by her side but he seemed to be waiting for someone

"Whom you waiting for nev?" Ginny asked but her question was answered when Rose walked towards them akk and Neville got out of his statue like form and grinned at her.

Hermione smiled knowingly but stopped when Ginny asked her what was the matter.

"Let's go to breakfast shall we?"" Neville asked opening the portrait hole.

"Yes let's go" rose said walking through it.

Harry and Ginny exchanged confused looks as Hermione smiled knowingly (again)

They all ate their breakfast in peace, then McGonagall came and handed out their schedules. Ginny read  her first class was potions

"Bummer" Harry said who was reading it with Ginny "Mrs. Smith's class, is your first one you better go to her class five minutes early

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