Chapter 17

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Ch: Mrs. Norris

"Harry, Harry what is that?" Ginny whispered getting closer to Harry

"I don't know Ginny, but we should do something soon" Harry said backing away from the mirror

"YOU!" They heard a raspy voice say, they knew it was filch

"It was not us!" Ginny said waving her hands

"What is happening here" Professor McGonagall came, and as she noticed the scene in front of her eyes she gasped her hands covering her chest.

"Professor! Professor! These pesky little children came here and- and petrified my cat!" Filch exclaimed like a child

"It's not them filch, the magic is too advanced that it's impossible for even me to do such thing and for all we know it's not even magic" McGonagall's voice came out as a hoarse whisper

"But- but" Filch stuttered

"Get out of this scene all of you and filch while you're on your way call  professor dumbeldore and Snape and Augusta " McGonagall exclaimed

They did as they were commanded and exited the isolated classroom. Ginny and harry bumped into mrs. Smith  while they climbed the stairs.

"Well, well look who's here" she said eyeing them "Can't go to even a single place without causing trouble can you miss Weasley? But because of your actions this detention is cancelled and will not be held for quite a few days says so dumbeldore" She muttered the last part "You may go now" she said as she made her exit

"What is it with her?" Harry whispered to Harry

"Hush we'll talk in the common room" Ginny said trying not to gain attention.

"Okey then" harry pouted. She could not believe him sometimes


They soon reached the common room and harry soon bursted out "WHAT IS THE PROBLEM OF HER"

"Harry" Ginny rolled her eyes at him "What did she even do? She just cancelled our detention and if you have a problem with that" Ginny let her sentence trail off

Harry sighed " I guess your right gin, if you say so"

"That's Harry" Ginny hugged him

Neville, Rose and Hermione soon woke up.

"Hey guys" Neville said rubbing his eyes

"Good morning" Harry wished him

"What are you both doing your up so early" Hermione asked

"We had detention" Ginny and harry replied together

"So why are you not there" Hermione questioned

"It got cancelled" Ginny replied which reminded her

"Why?" Neville asked.

"Filches cat got petrified" Harry replied.

"WHAT" They exclaimed

Harry and Ginny told them everything not noticing rose walking away wiping a tear


"You were right Albus" McGonagall breathed

"I don't know Minevra it does not feel good to be right, right now" Albus said pacing

"What should we do now?" Minevra said

"Tell Ginny Weasley the truth she will be able to help us" Albus said finally stop pacing

That's it folks not the longest of chapters but now that's the length you'll be getting, sorry 😅 Anyway I love each and Everyone of you who sticked with me.
After all this time?


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