Pranking and meeting padfoot

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Ginny's P.O.V

"Wanna do a prank?" Asked James

Ginny sat excitedly and said "Can we do a prank, my aunt would never let me! And if I did she would star-" Ginny noticed that she said too much and looked down this will probably change their Point of view.

"She would what Ginny?" Harry asked Ginny in a soft tone, Ginny just shook her head.

"I hope you know you can tell me anything gin,but I won't force you" he sounded hurt, and that's the last thing she would want her friend to be hurt.

"Starve me.." now Ginny should expect anytime them to throw her out anytime, but that didn't happen except...

"Oh Ginny!" She heard the voice of Rose said

And soon she was engulfed in a hug by all the family, including James.

"Let's do the Prank shall we?" Ginny said her voice muffled as the potters were still hugging her.

They all broke apart and looked at her, grinning all expect Lilly who was shaking her head but smiling.

"So what's the prank?" James asked

They all came around ang Ginny told them the Prank

"Oooh where were you when we made the Mauraders?" James asked

"Not alive?"

They all laughed, and waited.

_______WITH PADFOOT______

"Dogfather!!" Rose yelled running towards Sirius

"Rosy-Rose!!" Sirius said running towards Rose.

They met midway and hugged eachother

"Ahem" a voice said behind Sirius "Do I get to meet them?" The voice was filled with humor

"Oh yeah! Prongsy you said that Ginerva is here!"

Ginny cringed hearing her full name, aunt Muriel has used her full name so much that whenever someone used it she thought that they were bragging about her

"Yeah! She's here!" Harry exclaimed

"Prongsy huh?" Ginny teased

"Shut up, I didn't want that" Harry said that sheepishly

Sirius's girlfriend met with the rest of the family while Sirius met Ginny

Ginny grinned brightly and Sirius came towards her.

"Hey! Who are you?" Sirius said pompously

" just said my name?" Ginny said/asked

"You visibly cringed at that, so right" sirius said

"Ginny" Ginny said

"Gin-Gin?" Sirius asked

"Nope!" Ginny said

"Gin-bear?" Sirius asked

"Nope" Ginny said popping the p

"Gin-bug?"Sirius asked

"Sure,if you wanna get bat boogey hexed" Ginny said

"Ginny it is!" Sirius said grinning

"What should I call you?"



"Hey Ginny" Sirius's girlfriend came and said


"Marlene" said Marlene chuckling

"Thank god I didn't have to tell you my name again and again"Ginny said chuckling

"DogFather! Play with me!" Rose said

"What do you wanna play Rosy-Rose?"

"I'm gonna hide three things and you have to find them"

"Okay," sirius replied.

Sirius found the second thing, but was frustrated when could not find the third thing. Even Marlene went to help him.

"Where's the effing third thing?"

"Honey, it's okay say to rosy-rose you lost"

"What I lost! No effing way!"

They were so busy seeing the antics of Sirius that they didn't notice Harry sneaking away.

______15 MINUTES LATER______

"Ha! ha! You thought you'd prank me, well you can't prank a maurader can you?" Sirius said howling with laughter

"I know there were only two things to find!" Sirius said

"Dammit who told you?" Lilly asked

"No other then Prongsy!!" Sirius said

"Harry" Ginny whined

"Sorry gin" Harry said grinning sheepishly

"Well now you've started a prank war" rose said matter-of-factly

"Time to divide teams" Ginny said

"Marlene" Sirius said

"Lilly" James said



"And Rosy Rose"

"I'm gonna take Jinky"

Jinky was another house elf of the potters,she was, a cheerful house elf who was a good prankster (she was James's favourite).

And with a pop Jinky appeared.

And so the war began

Sirius's P.O.V

Oh! ho! Ho! Jamesie will never know what hit him our Prank is oh so good!

We spread all the muggle thing called a "smile" wonder why a person needs a smile for.

*It's slime but Sirius doesn't know how to pronounce that so.... 'smile' it is
Then I called Jamesie for the prank to begin

"Hey Jamesie I need a truce!"

Last thing I know the muggle thing is being thrown on me. It lasted at least Half and hour and I couldn't even fight back. How rude!

"Who's plan was it?" I ask

"Mine!" Spitfire shouted

"Spitfire! I knew you had the Maurader fire in you!" I exclaimed

"We settled for?" Spitfire asked




"Gin- you know what I ain't gonna fight back, spitfire it is"

Oh yes! Who can fight the charm of good ol' paddy.

"Well how did you do the prank?"

"Well first of all it was planned for Harry to tell you, so he could tell us what your Prank would be, then as soon as you give 'oh I'm so weak help me and I'll attack you act's '" I grinned this was my name of the act good isn't it.

"We would attack you with slime"

"I gotta say I'm impressed" I said which I'm not easily.

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