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Ginny's POV

After the interaction Harry and Ginny grew very close, and Ginny with all the potters was much closer than she ever was with aunt Muriel.

Ginny woke up to the whole house in chaos. She went into Harry's room, Harry who was choosing what to wear, which he usually never did, looked up and smiled brightly at her.

"Harry what happened?" Ginny asked


"Why? Harry you're choosing what to wear which is a very rare sight to see"

Harry laughed and hugged her "Well you see, padfoot is coming home and with a settled girlfriend"

"Padfoot?" Ginny said

"The mauraders?" Harry asked

"Who the hell are they!" Ginny exclaimed.

"We have a lot of catching up to do" Harry said and settled her in the bed

Once Harry had told Ginny all about the mauraders and how James asked,sorry, begged Lilly to date with him, he came to the topic when Ginny's parents came into view.

"So, after a few weeks of mum and dad's marriage Voldemort grew more powerful, and there was a prophecy made, Mum and Dad won't tell me or rose told us that there would be that time, just no now."

"So then you were born, and on birthday Peter Pettigrew came, wormtail" Harry added looking at Ginny's confused look  "He told them that we could be on the good side of You-know-who and that once he wins we can live lavish lives. Ofcourse mum and dad were furious at him and dad yelled at him to get out of his house, I've never seen dad this angry" he said the last part in a whisper

"There was deadly silence the next few days, the next day Pettigrew came apologized alot dad at last agreed but just said he can no longer be a maurader, he happily agreed." He expression became dark his voice barely a whisper " The next week we got the message,of your parents. We all knew it was Pettigrew but there were two secret keepers one was, Gideon, the one secret keeper had to ask the other one's permission. So we all knew that Pettigrew did it with Gideon"

"But there was a twist a dark twist, Gideon was so angry that he got caught that he took down Fabian with him not to azkaban to-to kill him"

Ginny felt a stinging feeling in her eyes she saw her vision blur,but she was not going to cry,no she was strong suddenly she passed out

"Oh gin! We're gonna teach you all our pranks" two identical boys with red hair said

"No you won't! She will be a prefect just like me" A boy with horn-rimmed glasses said

"No she won't! She'll have interests in dragons just like me" A boy said {I don't know how to describe bill and Charlie so I  guess you know him}
"I'm okay with anything" another boy said

"HE'S HERE EVERYONE RUN!" A Elderly voice said. Fear took place in everyone's joyful faces. Another little boy ran in and said, breathless "He's here"

A woman mostly in her early twenties ran in took Ginny and told all the boys to run the boys shook their heads and muttered something Ginny could not hear.

The lady turned around with tears in her eyes took Ginny and ran. Ginny heard people screaming and suddenly the door blasted open

"Not her, not her, please not Ginny have mercy oh my merciful lord" The woman said falling on the hooded figure foots.

"Get back, I said GET BACK!" The voice said "AVADA KEDAVRA" The voice yelled

The hooded figure came towards her and pointed it's wand towards her "Avad-"
{How to stop crying continuously}

Ginny woke up with a gasp for breath and before she could see anything she was engulfed in a big hug , the body was trembling

"Oh gin-gin I'm so sorry I shouldn't have told you, you passed out right after that, we were about to go st. Mungos oh gin" Harry said hugging her even tighter

"Sh.. it's okay Harry it wasn't even your fault. I was feeling sleepy by the way" Ginny said rubbing his back soothingly

"Let her breath will you?" James said smirking. Ginny and Harry broke apart and blushed

"Oh James!" Lilly said hitting his arm
"Ginny dear, how are you" she said giving Ginny a sympathetic look

"I'm fine thank you Lilly" Ginny said smiling

"How long was I out for" Ginny asked, curiously

"Two and a half hours" James said

Ginny quickly sat straight and said "two and a half hours?! Sirius had to arrive today" From what Ginny's heard sirius was a very interesting person to meet

"Relax, I suppose Harry had told you all about him?" James said grinning like a Madman

Ginny nodded excitedly

"Well looks like we have another prankster" James said "Wanna do a prank?"

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