fun in Diagon alley with the potters

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After they met and introduced themselves they went towards diagon alley, when Lilly asked Ginny to come with her towards the corner.
"Where should we go?" James asked/whined
"The ....." Lilly said with a raised eyebrow, Ginny didn't hear her because she was too busy thinking what this talk can be about will she fangirl over Ginny's fame? Or what? Ginny didn't

Lilly chuckled and said "shall we go?" Ginny nodded. They went towards a corner and Ginny did a few spells and then asked "do you like living with your aunt Muriel?" Ginny stayed silent not knowing what to say.
"I'll take your silence as a no" Lilly said.

Ginny nodded, looking down Lilly took her chin and looked into her eyes"You can say anything you know no need to just nod" Ginny looked at her and said "How did you looked through her act most people believe her"
" Well you see James is a well trained auror so I just picked a few tactics of him" {What is James real job??} Lilly said.
"So James also know's" Ginny asked
"Oh yes,yes I just figured it out a few minutes after the introduction, but I'm sure James knew it as soon as she showed us her fake smile"Lilly stated"Now should we go?"
Ginny nodded as Lilly removed all her spells as they went out.

"Now I know it will be difficult for me to take them out of the store" Lilly said. Store? Which store
" Which store are you talking about?" Ginny asked
"The quidditch supply store" Lilly said. Ginny's eyes went wide in understanding and she ran towards the store.

"Ginny! Ginny! Where are you going" Ginny heard Lilly, who was running towards her, yelling. Wow! She's really unathletic Ginny thought as she reached the store.

"Ginny what are you doing here?" James asked her "And where's Lilly?"
"Oh!*pants* she's there*pants*" Ginny said pointing out the door where Ginny was coming.

"What are you doing here?" Rose asked
"Oh, your mom told you were here and I love quidditch" Ginny said regaining her breath, she thought someone was missing, Harry to be more precise was missing. She looked around the room and saw Harry staring at her as soon as he saw her looking at him he blushed as red as a tomato. Rose followed her gaze and told her "he has a huuuuge crush on you,maybe if you talk to him he will come over it?" Ginny nodded and went towards him.

"Hey"Ginny said hoping to start a conversation.
Harry blushed and said in a small voice "Hey" and then tried scurrying away.
But Ginny caught up with him and asked"Why don't you talk to me, have I done something wrong?"
"What? No! It's just that -" Harry said
"He has a huge crush on you" Rose interrupted Harry blushed, again.

"Why don't we be friends" Ginny suggested.
"Sure! Sure.." Harry said

How was it?
Brilliant 🤩

- Aakriti

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