meeting the potters

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*in diagon alley*
Ginny was getting very bored of her aunt showing her off to everyone so when her aunt was busy talking about how muggles keep irritating her she took that as the ticket to run. But just as a precaution she put her hair which were tied in a pony on her neck which is the location of her scar.

As soon as she was out of earshot from her aunt she ran as fast as her legs could take her she looked back to see her aunt still muttering. When all of a sudden
"Ow!" Ginny exclaim she had bumped into someone. She looked up to see a boy with messy raven hair mesmerizing green eyes staring at her.......scar with amazement. Ginny felt very uncomfortable so she put her pony back at her scar.

That's when the boy took notice of her and blushed as red as her hair when she smiled at him.
"Hi" Ginny said unsure of what to say
The boy stared at her and then said "are you really Ginny Weasley?"
Ginny nodded unsure of what to say.

"Oh! Harry dear where were you?" Asked a women who had just as red hair as Ginny's and had the eyes of as the women says, Harry

"Oh there are you brat!" Aunt Muriel came and spat the last word. That's when the lady and who Ginny thought was her husband noticed gunny,and aunt Muriel noticed them.

Aunt Muriel turned on her sweet act which made Ginny want to vomit right there.
"Now I'm heding home Ginevra . But now handle yourself Ginevra Weasley." She said putting emphasis on Ginny's name. The lady and her husband smiled at her not looking at her. Ginny was shocked! When her aunt introduced her to people they would gawk at her neck. It looked like her aunt thought the same thing because her aunt's face was filled with shock but she quickly changed it back to her sick 'kind' face.

"Now I better be going." Aunt Muriel said and gave Ginny a fake smile.
"She's such a fake" the lady with red hair Said "Are you really Ginevra Weasley?" The lady asked. Ginny nodded

" Would you like to come to diagon alley with us?" Harry asked

"Yes,if you don't mind" Ginny said shocked,again, that they didn't stare at her scar.

"Oh!" The lady exclaimed here it came Ginny thought " how rude of me I'm Lilly Potter this is -" Lilly said before she was interrupted
"James Potter" James said "and this is Harry Potter,my son and this is-"
"Rose Potter" Rose interrupted " pleasure to meet you"
"Hello" Ginny said not knowing what to say " I'm Ginerva Weasley as you already know but please call me Ginny"
" And you can call us Lilly and James not Mr. and Mrs. Potter please" James said,Ginny nodded

Sorry for the late update. And I really want to thank Gryffin_dork for her constant support for both my stories
- Aakriti

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