Invitation to the potters

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Gentle reminder that it's Harry's P.O.V
Harry could not believe his luck, he had met Ginny the girl who lived face to face, leave that, he had also became her friend! Ginerva's friend!Harry
also learnt that she does not like being called by her first name.

Harry really missed her, but could only hope for meeting her again. He overheard his mother and dad talking about how her aunt mistreats her. Remembering that Harry had an idea. He rushed downstairs shouting "MUM!" "DAD!"

"What happened son?" Dad asked

"STOP YELLING" Mum exclaimed

"EVERYONE STOP YELLING SOMEONE IS TRYING TO SLEEP HERE!" Rose yelled on top of her lungs. The whole house fell silent. Rose slammed her room's door.

"What happened son?" Dad asked,again

"Can we invite Ginny to our house?" Harry said, calmly {reference check}
"Sure, but why?" Mum asked

"Well, you see" Harry said, who was very nervous "ioverherdyourconvetsationandheardginny'sauntwasmistreatedherandthoughtwecouldhelpher" harry babbled.

"Sorry I didn't catch that hon"

Oh, well iover"

"Go slow" dad said

"Okay, so, don't get mad but I overheard your conversation and heard that Ginny's aunt was mistreated her so I thought we could help her by calling her here" Harry told them.

"That's very thoughtful of you Harry." Dad told him

"I'll send her a letter", mum said and exited the room. Harry and dad followed next.

"Can anyone please read this and tell me if it's okay?" Mum asked entering the room
"I'll read it mum". Harry volunteered.
"Thanks Harry"mum thanked him

It read-
Dear Ginny,
We would like you to come to our house tomorrow evening, please send us your reply and if it's a yes we will come at 3:00 pm tomorrow

Harry thought it was a bit short,but couldn't think anyother thing to write. So he said "it's alright you can send it" Lilly smiled at him took the letter and tied it to the leg of Lilly's owl Errol.

Harry couldn't wait for Ginny's reply, so he planned a few things if Ginny said yes. He wrote to sirius who was in Africa right now to ask him some advice about girls because he knew if he told his father he would never hear the end of it, so he wrote-

Dear sirius,
First of all don't you dare tease me! Second of's about a girl. Yes she has red hair and Don't say 'potters always fall for redheads'. So... She might be the girl who lived. Stop howling from laughter! Okay so we are friends and I invited her over to our house, she hasn't replied yet,but again, I just sent it to her a minute ago.
Give me some advice!
Should I ask her out? Or should I let it be?Give me some advice!
The boy who needs some advice
Harry write it and tied it to the leg of his snowy owl, Hedwig

Then he thought they could play quidditch, but he didn't know if she knew how to play it. Maybe h-

"Harry Ginny's reply is here" his mum said coming towards him. Harry's heart skipped a beat "Really?" Harry asked. When his mum nodded he shot  in the drawing room
Dear Lilly,
I would love to! I know aunt Muriel would be more than happy if she could get rid of me. Thanks for the invite!
Harry was jumping all around the room, when Hedwig came and sat on his shoulder. It was a letter he read
Dear Harry,
Play Hard to get, date or flirt with girls make her jealous! Oh yes, don't ask her out {P.S I wrote it while howling with laughter}

Harry chuckled to himself it was just plain old sirius.

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