Gringotts with the potters

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Lilly was not able to get James and Rose out of the shop so she told them that she will be taking Harry and Ginny with her to get the money for their books.

They went their and Lilly said to a goblin "We would like to get
Ms. Weasley here to her vault"
"Does Ms. Weasley here has her key?" The harsh voice of the goblin spoke
"Do you have the key dear?" Lilly asked me.

Oh yes I do remember something about a key

"Oi you there brat" aunt Muriel called from the door of her room.
Whenever you go to diagon alley for buying your books to Hogwarts if you're, not a squib, your key to your valt in gringotts is on the dining table.and don't you dare use my money!" Ginny took the key and put it in the pocket of the dress she had saved especially for diagon alley.

Yes, Ginny had it in her pocket
"Yes, it's right here" Ginny said handing the goblin the key.

"Come on come here" the goblin said in a bored tone.

Lilly, Harry and Ginny sat in the cart to get to their vaults, the ride was not as Ginny expected, it was fast ,bumpy Ginny's dream ride. Harry, well you could say doesn't enjoys bumpy, fast rides.

Mid-ride Harry held her hand, real tight,Ginny liked the feeling of Harry holding her hand, but then Harry got a hang of it and left Ginny's hand, much to her disappointment. They both laughed together and were disappointed when the ride ended.

They were at Ginny's vault, Ginny knew that her parents were not very rich and was afraid that the potters would change their views about her. Harry as though has read her thoughts said " It's okay, we don't judge a person from their money we see them from their personality" and gave her an encouraging smile.

There was a letter from her parents
Dear Ginny,
Honey, of you're reading this it means we're probably dead. We're all very sorry that we were not able to be a part of your life but remember we love you very! Very much! I hope you're having a great life with aunt Muriel and if that old hag disturbs you just ignore her. We are not very rich but I hope you'll be able to buy all your books and robes. You can blindly trust the potters they are very good family friends, here'sa picture to remind you of us. ,{Picture above}
By the time Ginny stopped reading tears were running down her eyes, there were tears running down her cheeks, she hadn't noticed Lilly sitting by her side trying to comfort her.

"You knew my parents?" She asked in a broken voice
"Oh yes, yes I indeed did, they were lovely people they asked me to give this to you every year this one might fit you" she said handing her a sweater with a 'G' written in it
"What's this?" Ginny asked her voice controlled now
"This is a traditional Weasley jumper your mum always sew them on a special occasion" Lilly said

After that Ginny with the rest of the potters went to diagon alley and enjoyed.

And slept with the last thought if she could have that much fun ever again.

Hey people,
How was it-
I cried so much while writing the will, Fred dying was enough for me but now the whole entire Weasley family! I feel so evil 😫 . And from now on its Harry's P.O.V.

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