Chapter 13

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Ch: The sorting

After their encounter with Malfoy, the train ride was pretty much all about talking Hogwarts

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After their encounter with Malfoy, the train ride was pretty much all about talking Hogwarts.

When they were about to reach the girls went towards the restroom to change while the boys stayed in the Compartment

Ginny and Luna were making their way towards the calls of Hagrid's calls when they heard a sneer from ahead and a girls voice yelling at the source of the sneer.

"What's a mudblood like you doing here" As soon as the voice (which Ginny thought belonged to Malfoy) said the M word Ginny and Luna gasped.

"You filthy ferret Malfoy" Ginny mumbled as she went towards the pair.

"Ferret!" Ginny yelled glaring at Malfoy in anger

"Oh look here, right there is Weasel" Malfoy sneered looking at Ginny.

Ginny took out her wand and pointed it towards Malfoy

"Ooh I'm so scared, of a eleven year old girl" Malfoy said looking at Ginny in mock fear.

That was the last straw for Ginny she pushed aside her wand and punched Malfoy on his stomach.

Malfoy groaned in pain and said "My father will hear about this!" While running.

The girl, looked at Ginny with wide eyes and was about to say something but Ginny stopped her saying "Not now we should go, before Hagrid leaves without us" Ginny said hurrying to the exit the girls close behind


As they sat on the boats the bushy haired girl asked Ginny "Are you really Ginny Weasley?" Her eyes wide with intrest and innocence.

"Um... Yes, I'm really Ginny Weasley" Ginny said biting her lip

Luna came to the rescue and said "Oh look!" Pointing towards the majestic walls of Hogwarts which were lit with lamps.

"Ooh" Was heard all around the lake as the giant squid's tentacles came dancing around.


They arrived at the giant halls door  to meet a strict looking witch was standing in front of them "Welcome to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizadry the start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses. The Sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts. You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your house dormitory, and spend free time in your house common room." The professor started as Hermione as the girl has introduced herself stuggled to keep up

"The four houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Each house has its own noble history and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. While you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn your house points, while any rulebreaking will lose house points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup, a great honor. I hope each of you will be a credit to whichever house becomes yours." She said as the doors finally opened.

As all the scared looking first years made their way towards the stool, the professor picked up a scroll and started reading out loud

"Lilly moons" She said.  A scared looking blonde witch walked up to the stool and sat there.

A second later the hat announced "Hufflepuff!"

The farthest table started clapping as the witch walked towards them.

After half an hour Ginny started to worry that she was here by mistake as Luna and Hermione had already been sorted. She looked over at Harry who gave her a reassuring smile and a nod.

As soon as Anna Abbot was sorted into ravenclaw she heard her name being called.

The whole hall fell silent as she walked over to the stool.

"Hmm, you have a smart and witty mind as ravenclaw you can be faithful just as a Hufflepuff as ambitious as a Slytherin and as brave as a gryffindor" A voice said in her mind.

"Let's see, young Weasley what do you want " The sorting hat said

"Not Slytherin please not Slytherin" Ginny thought knowing that if she was to be sorted into Slytherin her aunt will disown her.

"Not Slytherin eh? What about GRYFFINDOR!"everyone was silent for a second then one clap and soon everyone joined in. Ginny grinned at them and went to join the middle table.

When she turned to sit she found a man whose hair were red just like her grinning at her and nodding his head.

Ginny grinned back at him, for some reason he looked familiar and just his presence made Ginny feel safe.

She looked at everyone on the teacher's table she found a teacher with white curled up hair too much make up for the teacher's own good and looked very strict looking unlike McGonagall whose eyes were still soft looking at all the children.

"Professor Smith, she's the strictest teacher in Hogwarts, she has been after the McGonagall's job forever!" Rose, who's eyes followed Ginny's said.

"Oh" Was all ginny said as Rose started telling her everything about every teacher.

"That's uncle Snape you can call him snape-ey if you're close enough to him , he's my godfather" Rose said giving her godfather a look.

"And that's Minnie, don't call her that in school or she'll give you detention for a month" Rose said her eyes wide.

And then she proceeded to tell her about every teacher as Ginny thought that Rose can be a great gossiper.

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