Chapter 11

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Ch:Dobby, the house elf

After dinner, Ginny went straight to bed she suddenly felt very tired.

Rose was very upset with Ginny because she expected them to have fun together, Ginny apologized and went to her room upstairs.

But as soon as she got in bed, all the tiredness was gone.

She twisted and turned but couldn't sleep, she heard the lights go off and thought that the potter's were going to sleep, she covered herself in the blanket and tried to sleep; when all of a sudden CRACK and a weird looking creature was standing near her wardrobe.

"Who are you" Ginny whispered walking towards the creature, who she guessed was a house elf.

"Ginny wheezy, a pleesure eet is" the house elf exclaimed

"Shh.... the potters are sleeping" Ginny said trying to get the house elf calm "Now what's your name?" Ginny asked once the house elf was calm.

"Dobby, dobby the house elf" Dobby said proudly

"Okay, so Dobby what are you doing here?" Ginny asked

"Ginny wheezy should not go to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry this year, there are terrible things to happen there" Dobby said, his eyes wide.

"Dobby, no way! I'm going there it's my first year!" Ginny exclaimed "Besides I have Rose and Harry with me"

"Miss wheezy Dobby is sorry, but Dobby has to do this" he said as he snapped his fingers and Ginny heard a crash downstairs.

Ginny glared at Dobby and rushed downstairs, to find all the potters already making their way downstairs

"Oh lord" Ginny muttered as she rushed down the stairs.

"Gin, did you hear that?" Harry said making her way towards her

"Yes, Harry, there's a house elf in my room telling me not to go to Hogwarts right now" Ginny said

Harry's eyes went wide as he looked at her and said " And he probably did this" 

"Yes" Ginny said jumping a bit

"It's okay, I'll tell mom and dad about the house elf, maybe they will hire him as a house elf" Harry said massaging her shoulders soothingly

"But what if they blame me" Ginny moaned

"They won't" Harry whispered resting his head on her shoulders

Ginny nodded and waited for them to say something. She was so lost in thought that she didn't notice Harry's head lifting from her shoulder and him going towards his parents.

"Ginny, wheres the house elf" Lilly asked coming towards Ginny

"How do you know" Ginny asked

"Harry" said James coming from behind Lilly.

"Oh..." Ginny murmured "The house elf is in my room" Ginny said

"Okay" James said making his way towards her room

"But please don't hurt him he seems very kind" Ginny said. James smiled at her kindly and said "I won't" and went to her room.

So sorry for the short chapter, I'm really trying to quick up my pace, but I will only be able to publish once a week


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