Chapter 12

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Ch: The ride to Hogwarts

"HOGWARTS HERE WE COME" Rose yelled, as they sat in James's car

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"HOGWARTS HERE WE COME" Rose yelled, as they sat in James's car.

"That was my ear" Harry whined in a baby-ish tone.

"Oh, I thought it was your nose"said rose sarcastically

"Cut it out" said Lilly who was sitting in the drivers seat- being the only person who knows how to drive a car- , while James sniggered.

"That was my ear" Harry whined in a baby-ish tone.

" .

"So gin, excited?" Harry asked putting his arms around her shoulders

"Kinda yes" Ginny said shrugging. She honestly didn't know what to feel nervous because it was her first day, sad she wouldn't be able to see James, sirius, Marlene and Lilly for a year or happy because it was her first day.

"Hey whats the matter?" Harry asked softly

"I don't really know how to feel, nervous because it's my first day or sad that I won't be able to see James, sirius, Marlene and Lilly for a year"

"You'll have me and Rose" Harry said hugging her

"I know, thanks" Ginny said hugging back

"I forgot my diary" Rose said jumping up from her seat.

"Is the diary important?" James asked as the car stopped

"Kinda, yes" Rose said nodding

"Back to home I guess" Lilly said turning the car.

"Thank you" Rose said sitting back


"Only five minutes left" Said a tensed Lilly as her family tried to keep up to her pace.

They were currently trying to make their way through the muggle crowd so that they could reach to platform Nine and Three Quarters.

As they finally reached the platform Lilly said "Okay, Ginny you first" and motioned her to pass through the barrier, as Ginny made her way through the barrier she heard Lilly say "Then you Harry, with Rose"

Soon enough, Rose and Harry came through the barrier, followed by Lilly and James.

The station was surprisingly empty today, but also there were only five minutes left.

"Okay bye, children " Lilly said hugging harry as James hugged Rose they both switched then hugged Ginny.

"Now go! We'll write!" James said waving as Rose, Harry and Ginny ran to the Hogwarts express.

"Neville is my mischief partner" Harry said.

He was right now talking about his godbrother.

"Wow Harry, listening about him, I can't wait to talk to him" Ginny said, intrigued

"Yeah, he comes by as often as he can, his mother is my godmother" Harry said matter of factly.

Ginny just nodded and they continued walking in silence


"Neville, this is Ginny" Harry said introducing Ginny to his godbrother

Neville's eyes went wide "Ginny, as in Ginny Weasley" He said her surname as if it's a precious stone

Ginny shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. Harry, noticing her obvious discomfort held her hand said "Yes Neville Ginny Weasley" and gave him a look that said 'stop it, she's a friend'

Neville looked at his face for a second nodded and sat down in the bench in front of them.

"So where's Rose?" Neville asked changing the topic.

"She's with a few friends, from around the Potter manor y'know?" Harry replied and Neville  nodded, looking somewhat relived.

You see, Rose wasn't very discreet about her crush on Neville, she always tried to either sit next to him or hold his hand. And one time she even tried to trick him into kissing her, after that day Neville maintained his distance

"Oh hey Ginny" said a dreamy voice, they turned around to find Luna Lovegood, Ginny's friend from around where aunt Muriel lived.

"Hey luna" Ginny said standing up and hugging Luna.

"Hey Ginny, I just came here to check for wrackspurts, but people just told me to get out, weird that they don't want to check for their safety" Luna said her face in a odd expression.

Behind her Ginny heard Neville and Harry wheeze

She turned and said " Guys meet luna my only friend from Aunt Muriel" They suddenly sobered and started inviting her in.

"Oh no, that's okay,I have to check for others" Luna said waving away their invites

"Oh no, luna please come in" Neville said inviting her in.

Luna finally gave in and stepped inside.

"So Luna, where do you and your parents live" Harry asked trying to start a conversation.

"Oh no, my parents were drove to insanity by some of Voldemort's death eater" Luna said as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

A uncomfortable silence fell upon them. Then Harry cleared his throat and said "Well, which house do you want to be sorted into?"

"I could do in any house, but I prefer ravenclaw" Luna said

"Well I'm not sure I would want to be in the same house as you" Drawled a voice from the compartment door

"What do you want Malfoy" Harry said in a cold voice. Ginny was a bit surprised, she always thought Harry's voice could be coming cold, but now that it was she knew it would be for a good reason.

"Shove of Malfoy" Neville spat

"Ooh, getting a bit touchy aren't we.Now, don't waste my time, let me meet whom I've came here for" Malfoy said pushing his way to Ginny.
"Why hello there Ginny" He said speaking her name as if they were old friends "You see right there" Malfoy said looking at Neville and Harry "are not a good lot to be with if you want to be friends with anyone, so I advise that you come with me and Crabbe and Goyle" he said pointing his thumb at his cronies.

Now that's what he said got on her nerves "Now listen here Malfi-boy or whatever your name is here, I am very sure that I have a good taste for whoever I want to be friends with, thank you very much. And speaking who will want to be with me im the bloody girl who lives they would want to be friends with me anyway" She said pushing Draco and his cronies out of the compartment as she pushed them out

"That was bloody brilliant gin"Harry said hugging her

"I know!" Ginny said jumping a bit

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